•New Meeting•

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It's been 8 days since Kazuha met Scaramouche and let him stay. 2 days since Kazuha got told about the gnosis, and 1 day till Heizou comes home.

3rd person//
<Time 3:45pm 8th day>
Kazuha is pacing around the living room while Scara is watching him. "You know pacing around wont help you." Scara teased "Shut up i'm thinking of what to say. What if he doesn't let you stay? What will you do?" Kazuha muttered under his breath. "Kazuha we've known each other for like 8 days and your acting like we have been friends for 2 years." Scara sighed, " Y'know if he doesn't want me here i don't mind besides he's a detective he's bound to kick me out." Kazuha glared at Scara. "i'm just pointing out the obvious." he whispered. "Why don't we do something to get your mind off it? We could watch something?" Scara suggested.

Soon after they agreed on a movie and got the room dark and started the movie, in the movie they started having dinner and then they started fighting. Scara giggled as someone threw mash at another. ^Kazuha's mind.. This reminds me of how Scara doesn't eat. I should ask him.^ "Scara." Scara hummed a response while still watching the movie. "Ever since you've been here, i've never really seen you eat before." Scara froze. The room was silent for what felt like forever. Scara sighed "I can't eat." He turned to face Kazuha, "I have a lot of secrets like most but not secrets people would think Kazuha." Kazuha looked at him puzzled "Scara are you. a-a human?" Kazuha blurted out. Scara fell silent, Kazuha's eyes widened , "I-i should've told you before you let me st-" Scara stopped speaking as Kazuha hugged Scara. Scara fell silent at the sudden movement and hugged him back digging his face into Kazuha's shoulder. After a brief moment Kazuha let go and made eye contact with Scara, "I don't care if your not human or criminal. Your still my friend you have feelings and your staying here." Scaramouche never really knew what emotions were but he swore they were building inside him as his eyes started to water. "W-what the? I - i'm crying, I c-ca- i've never." Scara was speechless , Kazuha stared in shock. "Puppets don't cry." a low voice stated from the front door.

Kazuha's eyes widened at the familiar voice, Scara followed his reaction. " Kazu who is this 'puppet' you say?" The voice stated as he walked through to the lounge room into sight. "Heizou. It's not what it looks like! I need to speak to you." Kazuha sounded panicked "Of course we need to speak." Kazuha felt a shiver down his spine at the cold tone. "I can leave your home. I guess i'm not really welcomed on your half." Scara glared at Heizou, "No i'm talking to him and Shikanoin Heizou you are going to listen." Kazuha glared coldly at Heizou. His presence of strong man faded a little at the shock. Kazuha left to the bedroom and Heizou followed.

Kazuha And Heizou's POV//
"Kazuha. Why are you letting this man stay here?!" Heizou pointed to the door, "Because I feel bad." Kazuha said more quietly than Heizou's statement. "What do you mean Kazuha. You know not to let random people into the ho-" "Because he's like me!" Kazuha shouted, Heizou sighed and sat on the bed next to Kazuha. Kazuha didn't make eye contact with Heizou and just stared at the ground, Heizou brushed a bit of Kazuha's hair behind his ear. "What do you mean ,love ." He said more quietly. <Kazuha explained to Heizou what had happened and why he let Scaramouche stay, Heizou started to understand why Kazuha had done his actions but still didn't trust the purple haired man> "I see, he can stay as long as he doesn't steal you from me." Heizou teased jokingly. "I missed you." Kazuha mumbled, "What was that sorry?" Heizou pretended. "nevermind." Kazuha whispered. "Kazu what's wrong, is there something else you need to tell me ? Were a team remember?" Heizou gently grabbed Kazuha's chin and made him face Heizou, Kazuha blushed slightly. "T-there's nothing else i j-ust um, u-uh." Kazuha stuttered his words while struggling to focus from the way Heizou was looking at him. "What was that?" Heizou teased , Kazuha's face grew more red from embarrassment, Heizou drew his face closer to Kazuha's and kept their eye contact, ^Kazuha's mind.. He's teasing me because he knows I want a kiss.^ Heizou laughed as Kazuha's face was now fully red. Heizou finally pulled their lips together and held a kiss for a few seconds before pulling away. "Your face is a bit red Kazu are you Okay?" Heizou giggled "S-shut u-" Kazuha was cut off from another kiss. Their kiss was disturbed from a knock on the bedroom door.

Heizou got up and opened the door to find Scara, "I thought you guys had died ." Kazuha laughed but Heizou glared at Scara. "Heizou tell him please im dying." Kazuha wheezed, Heizou sighed "You can stay." "Just don't take Kazuha" He whispered coldly " Is that a request or an option?" Scaramouche challenged. Heizou growled but Scara walked away to the living room , Heizou followed. "Look, i don't know what your plan is but i definitely know your not just here to stay, you hear me?" "Loud and clear detective." Scara teased. Heizou was pissed at such behaviour and left to Kazuha.

<Time skip bc i can lolol >
{It's been about 2 weeks since Scara started staying in KazuHei's house but little do they know Scara still leaves the house at night}

Scaramouches POV//
^Their asleep so i'll go now^ Scara snuck out of the house and flew up and away to Chinju Forest. He followed the same path to the cave into the unknown location and followed it to the main area. "Sir.Dottore , we still haven't found the dendro archon or the electro gnosis." a unknown voice called, a cold deep voice answered back "Find them or i will and they'll be killed." "Y-yes sire." Scara heard footsteps disappear , He peaked over the edge to see a light blue haired man with a black beak looking mask and a Fatui Coat on. Scara thought to himself ^Dottore the 2nd Fatui Harbinger, The Doctor. The ass^ Ever since the electro gnosis incident and with the fatui. He has been spying on them gaining information about their next plans and who they plan on killing or tracking. It's not Scaras best intention to spy and help people but he does it for his own good. After awhile Scara started heading back to the house incase someone woke up and got suspicious.

3rd person//
Scara entered the house without a sound and layed on the couch thinking about what the Fatui were up to. Scara heard footsteps coming from the bedroom and turned to see a sleepy Kazuha appear, "Why are you up?" He announced quietly making Kazuha jump. Kazuha sighed in relief and answered tiredly "Just need some *yawn* water." And with that he walked over to get a glass. Scara scanned Kazuha, he was wearing red board shorts and a tan coloured shirt that was way too big for him and his hair was a mess. Scara decided to tease Kazuha and hopped up and walked over to Kazuha. Kazuha didn't realise that Scara was behind him as he was filling up his cup, Scara slid his hands under Kazuha's shirt making Kazuha choke on his water, Scara hugged Kazuha with his cold hands under Kazuha's shirt. Kazuha froze "u-uh Scara, y-your h-ands their c-cold." Kazuha complained, Scara hid his face in Kazuha's shoulder and pulled Kazuha closer "uh-" Kazuha covered his mouth with surprise. "Sc-scara can you get y-your hand out from u-under my s-shirt." Kazuha shuddered. Scara stayed like that for a little longer and let Kazuha go and went and layed down. Kazuha stood there frozen from what had just happened his heart was beating fast and his face was hot and red. ^Kazuha's mind .. what.just.happened.?!^

The next morning Kazuha woke up to an empty bed, he looked around and got up to find Scaramouche in the kitchen but no Heizou? "He's gone to get some food." Scara said without looking at Kazuha. Pictures of last night flashed in Kazuha's mind and he felt his face grow hot again. Before Scara could see him like that he slipped away to his bedroom and stood in front of his mirror. ^Kazuha's mind.. What in the hell is happening to me. I am dating Heizou! I like Heizou! But Scara is messing with my mind, i don't know how to control my feelings right now it's so annoying^ Kazuha calmed down and went back out to the kitchen Scara was nowhere to be seen now. Kazuha grew suspicious of it but simply forgot as he searched the fridge for food.  Kazuha remembered what Scara had said about there not being much food and closed the fridge and sighed as he went to walk away he ran into Scaramouche, "s-sorry i didnt see you." Kazuha said looking up at Scara. Scaramouche grabbed Kazuha's waist and guided him to the counter  "S-scara what are yo-" over to where the little incident had happened the night before. Kazuha stopped talking as soon as Scara repeated his actions from last night, he leaned his head on Kazuha's shoulder and slip his hands under kazuha's shirt. Kazuha whimpered slightly at the sudden movements, "S-scara please what if Heizou sees.." Kazuha whispered, but Scara didn't care he simply lifted his head to Kazuha's face and stared at him. Kazuha stared back , after a few moments Scara pulled Kazuha into a kiss

[Word count 1648 ]

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