•This isnt home•

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The next day no one talked to one another. The house was silent , Kazuha had slept on the floor in the lounge room. Scara went out again without anyone knowing and Heizou slept in the bed. ^Kazuha's mind.. What if he doesn't love me anymore. What if he leaves..^ Kazuha was now sitting on his bed thinking while Heizou was somewhere else in the house, Kazuha was lost in thought as Heizou came in and locked the door. Kazuha still in his mind didn't realise this until Heizou tackled him onto the bed "What are y-" Heizou connected their lips as he tower over Kazuha as he lay down, Heizou held Kazuha's hands above his head as he kissed him. He pulled away looking at Kazuha eye to eye "i'm sorry my love." Heizou whispered, but before Kazuha could answer he kissed him again "H-heizou let me speak." Kazuha finally got out of the kiss. "I still don't really forgive you but, i still love you." Kazuha whispered while keeping eye contact. Heizou got off of Kazuha and pulled him into his lap and hugged him, "I love you too Kazu. But if Scara keeps teasing us and kissing us what are we gonna do." ^Kazuha's mind.. I dont know what to do cause i don't want him to stop it. But then i'm betraying Heizou.^ "Whatever your thinking tell me, i might feel the same Kazu." Kazuha sighed and hid his fac win to Heizou's chest "I don't want to tell him to stop, i've grown close to him but i still love you i- i don't know Heizou.. My feelings are everywhere." Kazuha mumbled to Heizou got every word. Heizou sat there for a moment slightly agreeing yo what Kazuha had confessed. "Why don't we.. u-uh n-nevermind." Heizou sighed at the thought. Kazuha sat up and looked at Heizou "Tell me. i told you." "... Maybe we could bring Scara into the .. relationship.? W-we don't have to it was just a thought cause i was thinking the same about what y-." "We could do that.." Heizou sat still for a moment eyes widened. "I'll still love you more tho." Kazuha whispered under his breath.

Kazuha blushed hard at what he said to Heizou's face knowing he heard it. "What did you say?" Heizou asked amused "n-nothing.." Heizou lifted Kazuha's face to his and giggled at Kazuha's red face "S-shut up, y-you caused this.." "i know it's just cute." Kazuha blushed more at such words. Heizou leaned in closer only inches away from Kazuha's lips. He looked eye to eye then his lips , Kazuha leaned in and kissed him then pulled away laughing "What's so funny?" "You." Kazuha managed to push out between laughs. Kazuha stopped laughing slightly as they heard a knock at the door Heizou got up unlocked it and opened it to see Scara. "I just wanted to say i'm gonna leave." "W-what? Why?!" Kazuha jumped off the bed to Heizou's side, Heizou pushed Kazuha into Scara and have him a amused look. Scara knew exactly what that meant and pinned Kazuha against the doorway and kissed him, Kazuha's eyes flew open and looked at Heizou only to realise he was giggling. Kazuha closed his eyes and let Scara kiss him, soon after Scara pulled away and looked at Heizou kinda puzzled. "What does this mean?" Scara asked suspiciously "That your now in our relationship." Heizou stated as Scara wrapped his arms around Heizou's waist and kissed him, Heizou's held Scaras back . Kazuha left shaking his head. "Stop kissing already i feel lonely." Kazuha said while walking away, Scara pulled away while Heizou stood there embarrassed from his actions. Heizou followed Kazuha to the kitchen "It's so weird i'm gonna have to get used to having 2 boyfriends" Kazuha laughed, Scara entered the room "Better get used to it ." Heizou stared at Scara challenging "And what if i dont?" Scara smirked "We'll see then." Kazuha was blanked out confused cause both were smiling and had just challenged each other, Kazuha was scared . "If your gonna do anything to me i'll go get arrested so i'm away from you both." He said "Kazu we're not gonna do anything why would you say that." Kazuha figured at seeing Heizou sad at his joke. "Then i'll come too." Scara said. Kazuha ignored Scaras words "We don't have anything for dinner." "What? I swear we had stuff." He said while checking the fridge and cupboards. Heizou sighed "I'll have to go shopping, i'll be back later." He said angrily. Kazuha watched as Heizou stormer outside. When he closed the door Kazuha left to his room leaving Scara in the kitchen.

<Hehe time skip>

It's been 2 mOnThS 🫡 since Kazuha and Heiozu let Scara into their relationship. Heizou has been on 6 cases in that time, Scara has found out more information with the fatui now knowing that their on a mission to find him, and Kazuha is just Kazuha. "I can't believe you have another case today." Kazuha said rolling his eyes "I know Kazu but i have to go." "I kNoW kAzU bUt i hAvE tO gO." Scara said mocking Heizou, Kazuha tarted laughing and Heizou stood there unamused "I've gotta go, bye." He walked out the door within that minute. Kazuha stood there ^His mine.. no i love you? or kiss.?^ Kazuha was sad at the thought and ran outside "KAZUHA WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Scara yelled after him. Kazuha didn't care. He caught up to Heizou "Heizou!!" He called, Heizou turned around shocked and ran to Kazuha "What are you doing out here?!" He scolded, "What's gotten into you Heizou. Your not the same.." Kazuha whispered while he hugged Heizou. "W-what do you mean Kazu?" "You've stopped being the Heizou I know, you never say i love you or a kiss goodbye and you never call me nicknames anymore except Kazu." Kazuha felt shattered as he said that "Oh my love. I'm just scared Scara will get jealous." Kazuha felt embarrassed at the nickname since it had bene too long since the last. "I do love you." He said before kissing Kazuha on the forehead. "And Scara, i'm just scared to say it." "Y-you love him?" Kazuha jumper out of the hug surprised "W-well yeah he's apart of our relationship." Kazuha thought for a moment, he breathed in " I LOVE MY BOYFRIENDS HEIZOU AND SCARAMOUCHE!!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, Heizou stood there shocked , Scara appeared at the house doorway eyes widened. "K-kazu." He pulled Kazuha into a kiss as scara came walking down. "W-what was that about?" Scara stuttered, Kazuha grabbed Scara and pulled him into Heizou and hugged them both. "I love you both." He said before running off back to the house. Scaras face turned a shade of red and he dropped his head in embarrassment. "Got to go now Scara... I-I ..." And with that Heizou ran off as well. Leaving Scara embarrassed to the bone.

Scara and Kazuha's POV//
Scara came inside shortly after Heizou left, his face was still a shade of red. Kazuha giggled to himself at seeing Scara all flustered up, "What are you giggling about." Kazuha froze he knew from the loudness of his voice that he was right behind him, "I-I.." Kazuha was at a loss of words as Scara slid his hands around Kazuha pulling him into a hug. Kazuha's face went beet red and he covered his face "Why are you covering your face." Kazuha didn't answer, Scara stopped hugging Kazuha and turned Kazuha around to face him, He lifted Kazuha to be sitting on the bench and then pulled him close. Kazuha still holding his hands to his face, He felt strong hands grab his and pull them down to reveal his face, "Kazuha, my eyes are up here." He said looking at Kazuha, Kazuha lifted his head to be facing Scara. He hummer a soft response, "What's wrong my darling?" He said smirking. "D-darling.?" Kazuha repeated with his face growing more red. Scara held Kazuha's lower back and pulled him closer again so their faces were inches apart. "That's right." Kazuha was amused by how seductive Scaramouche could be with words. "S-stop teasing me Scara.." Kazuha mumbled, Scara laughed under his breath and finally kissed Kazuha, Kazuha closed his eyes to enjoy it only to hear the door slam open. They both pulled away to see a Okuzumeshuu, a bodyguard of the Almighty Shougun. "Let him go!!" Scara screaming while being held back, ^Kazuhas mind.. Are they taking Scara as well?!^ Kazuha struggled to get free but failed. "Keep holding him back, we're taking this one to the Tenryou Commissioner."

Kazuha's POV//
Kazuha's eyes shot open. "Let him go!!" They were the last words he heard Scara scream before hearing a thud. ^Kazuhas mind.. They must've knocked him out..^ The men put a blindfold on me and kept walking, Soon after about 40 or so minutes i thought they droppped me on the ground. i was now tied up with my hands behind my back and my legs tied and something in my mouth along with a blindfold. "Kujou." One of the men yelled "We've found him." Kazuha shivered. Someone lifted the blindfold to reveal Lady Kujou.

[Word count 1566 words]

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