•The Past Can Never Be Removed•

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Authors note- half of this stuff is not real in genshin especially some stuff Heizou says from a book or something about laws and stuff.

Kazuha's POV//
"Have him see the Almighty." She called, she glared down at Kazuha, Kazuha glared back ,he tried to speak but it came all muffled and unrecognisable. Kujou walked away while Kazuha got picked up again and carried to a tall palace, The Sky Temple he thought to himself. The doors opened as they walked inside they threw me onto the ground and i muffled a yelp in pain. "What is going on here." A powerful voice announced. The men stood with their hand over their chest "We've brought a long lost criminal , your Almighty. Kaedehara Kazuha." The man spoke as Raiden eyed out Kazuha. "Kaedehara?" She repeated, "Ei isn't he from years ago when you killed that person called.. Uh wasnt it Tomo?" Another lady came walking out to be standing next to Raiden she had pink hair and her ears looked to be kitsune. At the same Kazuha's eyes widened with terror , "And so it is." Kazuha shuffled his knee forward while yelled, only to be heard as a muffle. Raiden looked down at him as he kept trying to yell. "Have this thing removed from his mouth. Let him speak." She announced, with that one of the men came running over and ripped off the muzzle looking thing. Kazuha took deep breaths holding back tears from hearing his friends name. "Speak you last words here or not." She called, "Tomo didn't have to die." Kazuha breathed heavily "I don't have to die. All of this happened years ago. " Kazuha protested , The pink haired lady walked away into the other room. "Ei i have to speak to you." Ei eyed out Kazuha and followed the lady. After awhile Kujou appeared standing next to one of her men wanting to hear what will happen to Kazuha. The Shougun walked out of the room after a long time with the lady "Kaedehara Kazuha I declare y-" "He cant be sentenced to anything!!" Kazuha's eyes widened as he turned his head to see his lover Heizou. Heizou puffed and walked in only to be stopped by the guards. "Let him in." Raiden shouted, the guards obeyed her immediately and Heizou walked in. "What do you have to say for yourself Detective." She said coldly. "Kaedehara Kazuha is innocent!" Kazuha thought otherwise to that protest. "He can't be he stole a vision that was meant to be enlayed upon the statue!" Kujou protested "Lady Kujou let him speak." Raiden spat , Kujou fell silent and put her head down in response. "After 7-10 years after an incident within the Raiden Shougun , therefore he isn't a criminal to the society." Heizou stared at Raiden as Kazuha sat there shivered from fear not knowing what will happen to him. "Who made that law?" She questioned not amused, The lady next to her whispered "I think you did Ei." Her eyes widened at the thought.

"Listen to Heizou he's right." Another voice called, Everyone turned to the doorway and saw a short purple haired boy walk in. Kazuha turned to Raiden and her eyes were wide , Kazuha was confused and tuned back to the voice he knew. "You made that law yourself you said it to my face." He called , Kazuha was deep within confusion . "I know i made that law!" She yelled but Kazuha heard a touch of affection in the tone. "Then let him go..." "Mother" The room fell silent , everyone's eyes were wide even Raidens. Heizou was looking at Scara but Scara was watching Ei not moving. "I - Come. i need to speak with you. " she called to Scara, he walked forward and entered a room with Raiden. Leaving the pink haired lady outside, Heizou ran over to Kazuha "Are you okay?!" He asked , some guards ran over and grabbed Heizou "Do not speak to the prisoner." "Let me go!!" He screamed. "How do you know of this person, why are you defending him." Kujou called. Raiden and Scara stepped out of the room "Cause he's my Partner." Kujous eyes widened at the though . Heizou struggled to get free. "Let him go. I didn't order you to stop him." Heizou got dropped and scrambled over to Kazuha. Raiden sighed and looked at the two on the floor. "Kaedehara Kazuha, i sentence you." Kazuha closed his eyes as tears started to fall. "I sentence you to freedom..." She announced, Kazuha's eyes flew open and he looked up to her. ^Kazuhas mind.. F-freedom.?^ "Freedom?!" A voice yelled "Have you forgotten what he's done?!" Kujou shouted "I have not forgotten. My son has convinced me otherwise." She said gesturing to Scara. Heizou hugged Kazuha and started crying of happiness. "Do you want to be put into his custody Lady Kujou?" "N-no Almighty." She said while dipping her head. "Untie him." The pink haired lady announced, no one moved. "Untie him she said!!" The men stumbled in their tracks as Ei yelled. Kazuha was untied and he hugged Heizou properly. "Now go before i change my mind, and if anyone ever tried to arrest or take you. You have my word that they will not be touching you again. " She announced as the three left the Sky Temple. "I can't believe i'm free." Kazuha spoke excitedly as he ran down Inazumas streets with his arms out yelling 'i'm free!' Heizou laughed, then sighed. "What's wrong?" Scara said. "I've got a case tomorrow and it could be a long one. There's been so many cases lately im so exhausted." Heizou said looking at the floor "Why not ask for a day off?" "They won't let me since whenever there's no cases their my days off, it's hard to understand sometimes but it's complicated." Heizou protested as they reached their house. The door was wide open from Kazuha's arrival, "Scara Heizou is that you?" He called "Yeah we're here." Scara replied, "Scara.. Why didn't you tell us that the Almighty Shougun is your mother?" Kazuha said walking into the lounge room. Scara was silent for a moment "No one knows that she's my mother i don't talk about it and i'd rather not, maybe another day." Scara said looking at the floor. "It's ok take your time." Heizou comforted Scara as night fell.

<Time skip bedtime>
"Kazu can you pass me my brush." Heizou yelled to Kazuha who was in the bathroom, "Catch." He said before throwing a brush at Heizou. "Heizou. Is Scara gonna continue sleeping on the cough?" Kazuha asked out of the blue. "I- I don't know." Heizou said not really thinking about it until now "Why do you want him in our bed?" He asked suddenly "I- I don't know i just felt bad because he's sleeping on t-"  "From tonight he's sleeping with us." Heizou interrupted Kazuha "Scara your sleeping with us tonight!" He called. ^Kazuhas mind.. I guess it's settled.^ He laughed to himself at how quickly Heizou resolved that. Kazuha finished in the bathroom and walked out and decided to give Heizou hug, Heizou was sitting on the edge of the bed brushing his hair looking at the mirror. Kazuha went over and sat himself on Heizou's lap "K-kazu.." Heizou said a little flustered, Kazuha wrapped his arms around his back and sat there while Heizou brushed his hair. "Did you call me before?" Scara said while walking to the room, "Yeah i said your sleeping with us tonight." Scara stood there silent procession what had been said. "O-ok.." He stammered. <Soon after they all decided to get into bed, Kazuha was in the middle, Heizou and Scara on either side> "This is so weird." Kazuha blurted out, "Yeah." Scara mumbled, Kazuha lifted his head to find out why Heizou was quiet only to see he was fast asleep. "He's asleep." Kazuha said unamused. Scara giggled quietly, "So fast to fall asleep." "Yeah." Kazuha said turning over to face Scara. He had to slightly look up at Scara which Kazuha felt a little weird doing. Scara grabbed Kazuha's waist and pulled his closer to cuddle, Kazuha felt his heart beat faster, Heizou mumbled in his sleep and turned and pulled himself closer to Kazuha. Kazuha giggled and soon after they both fell asleep.

[Word count 1396 words]

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