•Loves a tricky path•

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Scara pulled away and looked at Kazuha ^Kazuha's mind.. Fuck.. what did i do?!^  Scara kept staring at Kazuha and started to lean closer again until they heard the door open and both pulled away. Heizou came through with shopping bags and dumped them onto the floor with a huff. Scara was now on the lounge and Kazuha had disappeared, Heizou looked over to scara "Wanna help?" he asked boldly. "Nah." Scara replied but got up anyways, he walked over and started helping Heizou put away the shopping.

<Time skip {Night time} >
3rd person//
Kazuha was sleeping soundly in his bed while Scara was on the couch staring at some fruit, Heizou was in the bathroom brushing his teeth. When Heizou spat out the toothpaste remains he looked up and saw Scara watching him in the mirror. He turned around to face Scaramouche "Why are you watching me you creep?" Heizou stated coldly. Scara stepped into the bathroom and closed the door, "What the hell are you doing cant you see i'm in here?" Heizou said as Scara locked the door unnoticed. "What are you gonna do? kill me? hurt me?" Heizou laughed , Scara  was now about a few centimetres away from Heizou, Heizou cant move anywhere backwards because he's leaning against the sink. Scara took that as a chance and placed his hands on the bench either side of Heizou , Heizou placed his hands on the sink leaning back. Scara looked at Heizou, eye to eye then lips, Heizou caught onto this and his face flushed a little red, Scara leaned closer still not breaking eye contact. Heizou swallowed hard as Scara drew his face inches away from Heizou's, He couldn't help but to look at Scaras lips ^Heizou's mind.. They look soft and so. so kissable..^ Heizou's face started growing more red . Scaramouche was practically laying on Heizou at this point, Scara got over it and stepped away Heizou returned to his normal standing position and stared at Scara. "What, did you want a kiss?" Scara teased. Heizou's face was fully beet red now from embarrassment.

Scara walked back over to Heizou and their eyes locked again this time Scaramouche moved closer and their lips connected. Heizou felt a funny feeling grow in his stomach as Scara grabbed his waist. Heizou pulled away and looked away as Scara drew their bodies closer. But not close enough. Scara cupped Heizou's face to face him as he went in to another kiss. ^Heizou's mind.. he's such a good kisser.. but Kazuha..^ Heizou lost that thought immediately as Scara lifted him to be sitting on the bathroom bench. Scara pulled away and smirked at Heizou, Heizou grabbed Scaramouche and kissed him over and over, Scara was surprised at first but soon took over and deepened the kiss by slipping his tongue into Heizou's mouth. Scara explored Heizou's mouth as Heizou moaned softly into Scaras. Heizou pulled away puffing , he looked at scaras mouth to see saliva hanging from his connecting to his mouth. Scara was puffing as well ,He pulled Heizou into one last kiss before leaving Heizou in the bathroom speechless.

^Heizou's mind.. What the fuck did i just do?!^ He got up and stared at himself in the mirror. He washed his face and went to the bedroom , "Oh Kazuha. I'm sorry." Heizou whispered as he cuddled Kazuha, "Sorry for what?" Kazuha asked rolling over to face Heizou. Heizou layed there confused, "When did you wake up?" Heizou asked puzzled "not long ago." Kazuha mumbled. "What we're you sor-" He got cut off from a kiss , Heizou pulled Kazuha closer then Kazuha pulled away from the kiss and hid his face into Heizou's chest. Soon after they both dozed off to sleep. Heizou woke up first and quietly made his way out of bed into the kitchen, Scara was awake as well, great. Thought Heizou, he ignored scara and started making himself breakfast. He sat down with a bowl of cereal and started to eat, Scara got up and sat next to Heizou at the bench. "Morning." Scara said. Heizou ignored him. Kazuha came out of the bedroom rubbing his eyes and yawned, Scara thought it would be a great time to tease Heizou. He slid his hand onto Heizou's thigh and started stroking it. Heizou almost choked on his cereal at the behaviour. Kazuha didn't take much notice. Scara kept rubbing Heizou's thigh until Heizou got up and walked away angrily leaving his cereal. "What's up with him?" Kazuha questioned while watching Heizou storm off, "Dunno, come sit with me i'm lonely now." Kazuha hesitated for a moment but went at sat next to him. Scara was staring at Kazuha but Kazuha avoided eye contact, Scara grabbed Kazuha's chin to face him "My eyes are up here hun." Kazuha blushed at the nickname. Without hesitation Scara pulled Kazuha into a kiss, Kazuha was shocked at the action since it was in the kitchen. Kazuha pulled away from the kiss and stared blankly at Scara. "What. The fuck." Heizou cursed to himself quietly in the mirror. "He thinks he can just take over me and make out with me thinking i don't have. a boyfriend i've already betrayed?! i'm not having it." Heizou spat. "We don't have to tell him." Heizou knew that voice and looked up to see a smirking man, "Tell who what?" Kazuha came out of the blue and stood next to Scara. Scara looked at Heizou with a pleasing look, Heizou rolled his eyes and walked out of the bathroom. "Now. Where were we?" Scara said turning to Kazuha "We weren't anywhere Scara." Kazuha said coldly, Scara didn't take that as an answer and grabbed Kazuha's hips and pulled him closer into a kiss. Kazuha pushed away looking furious "wow." Kazuha turned to see a astonished Heizou, "H-heizou it's not what you think i never wanted to.." Kazuha's voice trembled away as Heizou walked away. Kazuha ran off to his bedroom to find Heizou and slammed the door, Scara stood there not knowing what to do.

Heizou and Kazuha POV//
"What the fuck Kazuha?!" "No. No don't do that to me more like What the fuck Heizou, i heard you last night kissing Scara i know what you've done and i didn't think to much of it because he's been teasing me as well." Kazuha shouted with tears in his eyes, Heizou stood there for a moment comprehending what Kazuha had just said. A tear rolled down Kazuha's cheek as he stared at Heizou, "K-kazu he kissed me i- i didn't know what-" At that moment he looked up at a sobbing Kazuha, "I thought you Loved me." Those words echoed in Heizou's head as he walked closer to Kazuha. He reached his hand out and cupped Kazuha's face "With all my heart.." He whispered looking eye to eye at Kazuha. "I don't know if i can trust those words right now." Heizou felt a stab of guilt stab his heart hearing those words. He pulled Kazuha into a hug and kissed his head. The muffled noises of Kazuha crying into Heizou's chest were filled with pain, "I- .. Kazu. i'm so sorry. i.." Kazuha looked up at Heizou and kissed him. He pulled away and left the room. ^Heizou's mind.. I fucked up big time.^ "You'll be back to normal in no time hes just upset." "Fuck off. This was your whole intention this whole time wasn't it? You had a plan i be-" "I actually didn't i just wanted to tease both of you and i never knew you guys would react like that. I'm not the one who pulled in for another kiss." And with that Heizou was left alone again with his guilt.

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