🔥〖 Bowser X Pianist! Reader 〗🔥

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✿ (Y/N): Your Name

✿ (F/C): Favorite Color

✿ (S/F/C): Second Favorite Color


🔥〖 Bowser's P.O.V. 〗🔥

     Tch, another day of being defeated by that infuriating pipsqueak. At this point, I've become slowly more numb to it. I let out a grumble as I made my way to my chambers, Kappa was there, probably wanting to inform me of some information but I was in no mood for a chit-chat. Opening my chamber doors, I turn to the wizard in a threatening tone, "Make sure no one disturbs me" "Y-yes King Bowser!"

* S L A M *

     After slamming my doors, I toss myself into my bed face first. If it wasn't for me being in the comfort of my bed and being so mentally exhausted, I'd probably play my piano to distract my thoughts. Shuffling on the bed to face up at the ceiling, I felt my eyes grow heavy and close my eyes to rest. All I want right now is just a moments rest, just a small mo-

* S o f t  p i a n o  n o t e *


     "Who dares disturbs-!", I stopped myself yelling any further to see the human, poking her/his/their head from behind my grand piano. Sitting up, I see that it was that human that help  'Luigi' escape. What did he call them again after his escape? Regardless, I'm in no mood for this. Getting up, I stomp my way over to the human with a look of annoyance as I allow my eyes to glow in a fiery red. 

I can't lie though, but I am quite shocked at how the human showed no sign of fear, but she/he/they are nervous and she/he/they should be. Everyone. Should be. "How'd you escape?", I asked them and she/he/they just stare at me with a blank look.

"The guards didn't properly lock the cage"


🔥〖 (Y/N)'s P.O.V. 〗🔥

     After saying that, the koopa just sigh in defeat and rub his head with his claws. The signs are just far too familiar; he's stressed, and he won't allow himself to take breaks. I know because I know what it's like to be so stressed and not stop before going through a breakdown, and doing it all over again as if you're addicted to something. After that, Bowser plops himself onto his cushion chair with another sigh. 

Maybe if I play something, he'd feel a bit better. Playing the piano helps me relieve stress, maybe just a little soft tune could help. Looking at the grand piano, I climb onto the piano chair and spoke, "May I?", I asked and in response, he waved his hand. I don't think he knows what I'm asking, but if I had to guess; he probably allowed me to leave the castle. But that wasn't my intention.

     When I escaped, I thought those doors were the exit. But, then after discovering that I was in someone's master bedroom, I was embarrassed and ready to leave. Or at least I was, until I hear and felt heavy footsteps coming my way. I watched in hiding, witnessing the large Koopa flop onto the bed. And I felt pity, it's too hard not to relate to the amount of stress. I was going to play the piano in secrecy while he sleeps, but I didn't think Bowser was such a light sleeper.

I bet he does the same thing when he was stressed out, and to be honest, I don't blame him. Something about playing and listening to a real, authentic piano rather than listening to soundtracks or videos of piano playing, just makes me more emotionally grounded.

I wonder if...


🔥〖 Third Person's P.O.V. 〗🔥

     Bowser doesn't know what the human is planning, and at the moment, he doesn't care. All there was surrounding him was this pregnant silence in the air, but all he could hear was the negative thoughts that are practically shouting at him, ridiculing him, cursing him. It makes him want to break the nearest object there is, but then he hears his piano being played. 

     What song is this? He's very unfamiliar with the notes that are used, and he looks at the grand piano. Watching in awe, he gets up and carefully steps towards the human playing the keys to not startle her/him/them. Usually, he'd throw an explosive fit if anyone even dares to lay a finger on it.

But hearing (Y/N); the escaped human, playing the piano? He feels at ease, almost as if all his stress just washed away. He forgot what he was even mad about, and yet it feels so foreign to him. In the end, (Y/N) finishes the song and light gasps seeing Bowser but in a better mood. She/He/They smile and pat the seat, making some room, "What's your name?", he asked gently sitting next to her/him/them.

     As he patiently waits for an answer, the human speaks. Not out of fear or anxiety like how many usually respond to that question when asked by the Koopa King, but in a soft voice of gentleness...

"I'm (Y/N) 🧡"

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