👑〖 Peach X Soulmate! Reader 〗👑

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✿ A/N: Tbh I was having trouble with Peach, but then (ironically lol) an idea popped at 3:40 in the morning <XDD it took me like three tries too since I've last used a soulmate! Reader, so I hope you guys enjoy UvU

✿ (Y/N): Your Name


👑〖 Peach's P.O.V. 〗👑

     I honestly thought I was hallucinating when I first saw this mysteriously vibrant red string that is wrapped around my ring finger, after a while though? It makes me concerned about whoever is at the other end of this string. If Bowser catches wind of this, it'll probably be more chaotic than before. It was getting to the point that I became annoyed at it, I even try to get rid of it. But the darn thing just won't snap! 

It's almost as if deep down, I want someone to find me. Not a Koopa or a kong; but a human. Other than Mario and Luigi of course, but someone that would stay in my castle. Cliche right? I know, but there's this wanting of having a domestic life with a partner. And due to being royalty, it's becoming more than a dream. 

     Before I met Mario, the string was loose, there was no tugging or pulling to force me to move closer to this soon-to-be person. But then after Bowser's defeat in Brooklynn, the string tugs almost violently unlike before. I was afraid it was going to pull my finger off because of how tight it was wrapped around my finger. Weeks after that I asked Mario during my visits at his and his brother's place on what it is and what it even means, I wasn't paying attention until he said that one word that I'd never thought I'd hear again; Soulmate.

It sounds nice sure but after my rescue from a forced marriage from a very peculiar 'Koopa'? It's become annoying and sickening to my stomach. And truth be told, I can't take that risk. Is it even mandatory to have a soulmate?

     Soon, Luigi chimes in, "Hey don't worry about it Peach, some'a times soulmates don't see each other at all", he informs me as if he read my thoughts of concern and continues to explain. He tells me that having a said 'soulmate' is optional, that some couples in Brooklynn or anywhere aren't even 'soulmates', but still love each other. Some are just curious to meet their 'soulmate' and they just become friends, that it just depends on the outcome. 

Which is a relief, but then I felt a very familiar tug on my finger once again after weeks. They can't be here, right?


👑〖 (Y/N)'s P.O.V. 〗👑

     Wow, that was more crazy than the roller coaster rides back home. Standing up, I felt my legs wobble and buckle, forcing me to rest on a giant mushroom that is close to ground level. Letting out a sigh, and questioning why I even took the pipe in the first place. Y'know that saying that is used as a warning? 'Curiosity kills the cat'? This is the outcome that led me here. Not going to lie, I'm kinda glad I went through the pipe. 

After resting for a few minutes, I got up and wander around the forest while following the string. By the time I see the whole kingdom in proximity, the rope around my finger tightens and tugs harshly. I was kinda afraid it would snap since it was pulling so hard, "Gosh, so much fresh air here. I bet it'd be cool to be camping here", I mutter out with a smile. Just as I was about to continue walking though, I was ambushed by a bunch of anthropomorphic turtles! And not the ninja kind either!

     "You're coming with us 'soulmate'!", one of the turtles with the blue shell shouted and my eyes widens, who is my soulmate?! Seriously though, who?! 'Cause if this guy has a whole armada of soldiers, then it must be someone who is very well known throughout this world. And if I have to guess, my soulmate must be royalty. I can't run now, these guys might hunt me down or worse. I gotta think of something! Come on (Y/N) think! And fast!

It wasn't long until I was saved by those plumbers and a princess that was on the news weeks ago, it was all over the papers! The one when the two plumbers, a princess, a mushroom person, and a talking ape saved Brooklynn from that giant turtle. Moments later, the koopa retreats and I get up but wince feeling the string tugging so hard. Almost as if...

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm ok"

...She's my soulmate.


👑〖 Third Person's P.O.V. 〗👑

"What now?"

     Peach breaks the silence out of conflict now that she and her soulmate finally meet, do they kiss now? Hold hands? What should she do? There are so many questions and yet there are so few answers, it's clear to (Y/N) that the Princess is lost in thoughts. (Y/N) knew about soulmates, but her/his/their original plan was to know each other first and see where it leads. Not just jump to having an immediate relationship, she/he/they aren't comfortable with that kind of mindset.

So (Y/N) broke the awkward silence, "We don't have to hit it off right away y'know" "Huh?", Peach responded confused, and (Y/N) walk towards her with a gentle smile, "I don't mind waiting, to be honest, I was curious who's at the other end of the string. And if this doesn't work out in the end, then I hope we can still be friends", (Y/N) admits.

     That's right, how could she forget? Finding your 'soulmate' is optional, some don't hit it right off the bat. Yes, some are in a committed relationship, but some are friends. This puts Peach at ease because she honestly doesn't want to go through another wedding so soon. Especially not after that almost force marriage. "So let's rewind okay?", (Y/N) reassures Peach and the princess nods, "I'm Peach, Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom" "I'm (Y/N)", she/he/they introduce her/him/them-self, followed up with Mario and Luigi's introduction also.

"How do we get rid of this then?"

"Well, we just met so how about for now we talk while having tea or coffee?"

"I'd like that 💖"

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