Chapter 2. Lunch yaaayyyy

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Blue's POV:

The bell rang and I jumped from my seat. "YAY BREAK TIME!", I said happily and pulled Dream and Ink from their chairs "C'MON LET'S GO MAKE FRIENDS!", I took them out of the classroom and into the cafeteria. "Where are we going to sit though?", Ink asked. "Well maybe we could go to my brother?", Dream gestures to the guy covered in goop who sat at a table with some other skeletons. We headed over to them. "Hey Nighty can we sit here?", Dream asked nicely. Nightmare mumbled something and Dream nodded and sat down on the other side of the table.

Ink's POV:

We sat down at the table. I recognized the others that were there from class, I can't seem to remember their names though. It's not like I didn't pay attention, I simply forgot. "INK!", I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Dream. He giggled, "are you going to get your food soon?" "Hm?", I looked around, everyone had food. But I didn't. "Oh! Yeah, heh", I stood up and went to get a tray of food.

Nightmare's POV:

"How about we all present ourselves again but with a little more information", Dream suggested, giving Ink an elbow. I nodded. "My name is Nightmare Joku, I'm Dream's older twin brother and I was late because of Dream", I eyed Dream at the last part. "I'm Dream, Nightmare's younger twin brother and he came too late because he didn't want to get out of bed", he eyed me back and stuck out his tongue. 

The skeleton next to me snickered before talking. "Killer Rahafwabas and I like knifes", he said and all of us laughed a little. "Epic Yugogeer, Cross' best bruh and this is Cross", he gestured to the person sitting next to him. "I'm Murder Dust, just call me Dust and I don't like eating", then the next one presented himself. "I'm Horror and I like eating", we laughed again. What's up with these people?

 "I'M THE MAGNIFICENT BLUE AND I HATE PUNS!", he said, standing on his chair and making a pose. Even I laughed a little this time. The skeleton, who went to get food then came back hurriedly and sat down. "What did I miss?", he asked. My brother whispered something to him. "Oh! My name is Ink Comyet, uhm I like to draw", he smiled awkwardly before starting to eat his food like the rest of us. 

Dust's POV:

I looked at my food. It was normal high school food, I mean, two pieces of toast with cheese and some other stuff inside, some vegetables, three pieces of fries, ketchup and a small carton of milk.

I sighed, I can do this. I took a deep breath. I want to do this. I took a piece of the toast and bit it, slowly chewing on it. Then swallowing it. I looked at Horror, who seemed to be eating like it was his last meal.

"Hey Horror", I poked his shoulder. He looked at me with questioning eyes. "Hm?", his mouth was full of food. "You want to eat my food?", I asked, half whispering.

Horror's POV:

I swallowed the food. "You need to eat as well", I said gesturing to his stomach. "I'm not hungry", he looked down. "Please eat this piece of toast, I'll eat the rest ok?" "He nodded and took the piece, taking a bite and chewing it very slowly. Once he finished, he said he was going to get something he forgot in class, but I know what he was really going to do. I frowned slightly.

I don't know how high schools work. Also I wrote these 3 chapters in two days! New record :0


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