Chapter 1. Is Cross jealous? :0

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Still Epic's POV:

"C'mon Bruhhh", I said and started pulling him to the front door. "Dudeeee it's too early", he answered. "But it's the first day of school" "But I'm still tireeedd", he whined. Maybe having a sleepover before the first day of school was not the best idea, especially if you're like us and stay awake till 2.00 am for whatever reason. "Guess we'll do this the hard way", I looked at him with a challenging look. "Nooooo, I'm comingggg", he walked verrry slowly to where I was and jumped on my back. "Carry me pls", he said and rested his head on my shoulder. I smiled "ok bruh", then we- no I started walking to school with Cross.

 I hope Cross likes this school, since he left the other school for a... reason. No- I can't tell you, cause I don't know either, Cross just wasn't 'feeling well' there. It wasn't that long of a walk since my house is pretty close, so soon we arrived. Cricket High. I didn't bother to put him down until we reached the classroom. We walked in and I looked around for families faces. I stumbled on my friend and he waved.

Cross' POV:

We walked over to the person who was waving at Epic, he sat down next to him and I sat next to Epic. "How are ya Killz?", he greeted him in a high five. "Y'know me, I'm good~", he winked and they both laughed. I looked in the other direction not bothering to listen to what they were saying. I'm glad Epic took me here, at least I'll have a friend, I mean in the last school-, my thoughts were interrupted by skeleton. "And who's that", he pointed at me. "That's mah best Bruh Cross", Epic said, putting an arm around me, I simply nodded, hiding my face in my white hoodie. The bell rang.

Killer's POV:

The bell rang and the teacher came in. "Good morning everyone, my name is Mrs. Chizzle...", the teacher presented herself, when a skeleton came in on their tippy toes. I snickered. The skeleton had dark bones and was filled with some weird goop, his clothes included. They silently made their way inside and once the teacher turned around to write something, they rushed to an empty seat. Snickers could be heard all around the class while he did so and I tried my best not to laugh. The teacher turned around. 

„Now I want you all to present yourself with your name, age and something special about yourself". She waved at the skeleton in the back row, the one sitting next to me, signaling him to start. He stood up. „I'm Murder Dust, people call me Dust though, am 15 years old, and I like big fluffy skeletons", he said, blushing a little purple at the last part and sat back down. Again there were some snickers. 

Then it was my turn, I stood up. „The name is Rahafwabas, Killer Rahafwabas, and I can't pronounce my name that well either", the class laughed again. "I'm 15 as well", I ended and sat down. "Name's Epic Yugogeer, Bruhs, I'm almost 17 and I'm Cross' best Bruh", he said, smiling. "I'm Cross Jakei, uhm turning 15 in a couple of months and I'm Epic's best dude" 

Then some other students presented themself's, saying they liked to play catch, make friends and stuff. "i'M ErORr, 15, dON't tOUcH mE uNLeSs yOu WAnT A bROcKeN aRM", he said, the class went silent. Then there was a guy named Ink who simply liked to draw. Dream and Blue who looked way too happy for this place and then the guy who came rushing in class, who's name is apparently Nightmare. And then there was Hate, they simply said. "Hate, 16, don't want to be here". The rest I didn't listen to, I kinda just spaced out until I heard the bell ring.

The whole class started cheering and ran out of the room. It was finally lunch break.

Also a break for me. Did you like the first chapter? Hope ya did. First Chapter and someone already broke the fourth wall. 


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