Chapter 4. Dust & Killer getting along too well.

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Nightmare's POV:

I was walking with Horror and Dust to the Dorm key pickup (again idk anything about high schools). Dust was clearly avoiding looking at Horror, while Horror was trying to start a conversation, it looked pathetic. "Name please", the Monster at the table said, she was a ghost, who wore a black hoodie and some glasses. "Nightmare Joku, this is Murder Dust and Horror Sour-Apple", I gestured to the skeletons behind me. She looked at the list I front of her and put a check mark behind my name, then Dust's and finally Horror's. "Here you go", she handed me the keys and I assume Dust and Horror took theirs.

Killer's POV:

I already picked up my keys and was now in the dorm. It looked okay, I mean bunk beds, two desks and chairs, some bookshelves, closets and a small bathroom. I decided to wait for my roommate before jumping onto the top bunk. So I started unpacking, taking out my clothes from my bag and hanging them in the closet, my books I put in the bookshelf and on one of the desks. And some other stuff I also put on the desk.

The doorknob flickered after some minutes of me laying on the carpet and waiting. I immediately shot up and looked at it before a familiar looking skeleton came in. Dust.

"Hiya Dust", I sat up and smiled. "Hey Killer", he returned a small smile. "Want top or bottom", he asked. "Top!", I Said and jumped onto the top bunk. "Good I like bottom more", he said and I snickered, making him laugh a little as well. "You're such a pervert", he said from the bottom bunk. I swung down from my bed and landed on Dust, smirking. "And what if I am~". He burst out laughing "you're not my type", he simply said and stuck out his tongue. "You're not mine either but who knows", I said as I got off him and offered him my hand, which he took. "I think we're going to get along just fine", he said and grinned, I grinned back.

I helped Dust unpack and finished sorting my stuff as well. I went to change clothes, I didn't go to the bathroom since we're both male skeletons, so it didn't matter. I changed into some black jeans and put on a black crop top, saying "Killer b*tch". It's was my favorite shirt. I also summoned my female ecto body to match the looks.

Dust though, he was wearing a loose shirt with some loose jeans and a loose hoodie on top. When he was finished I went over to him. "You ok man? It's not that cold y'know", I said and gestured at his clothes. "Ya, I just like wearing hoodies", it was pretty obvious that he was lying and didn't want to talk about it, because I'm an awesome friend though, I decided to leave it at that. "Hey I have an idea", I said enthusiastically. "Let's have a sleepover with all our new friends!", he smiled at this. "Let's go then! I can prepare the sleeping bags and games", he said. "And I'll get the snacks and guests", I finished his sentence and we both laughed. "See you in a bit corpse boy", I joked. "Bye murder man!", he said back as I left the dorm room, up to fulfill my mission.

Here, a, ik it's short but I rewrote this chapter 4 times and then I didn't feel like it anymore. And I'm not very happy with it, it feels kinda rushed. Still I hope you enjoyed. Also there will be other ships in the next chapters that won't be the finishing ships.


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