Chapter 3

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While lilac and her husband smile gently at the curious animals snow white who slowly lifts her head up before gasping seeing the animals as they got spooked and ran hiding.

Snow white feeling bad "please don't run away. I won't hurt you"she says a sthe three watch as the animals slowly poke there heads out."I'm awfully sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you but you don't know what we've been through and all because I was afraid"snow says kindly as the animals watches with curiousness.

Lilac and her husband watch her sister then sing to the animes as they come out"she is the purest and innocent soul in the land my love"she says proud of her little sister.

She then fells a nudge against her hand as she looks down at a rabbit with a soft smile before picking it up as it cuddles in her arms before she sees her little sister following the animals"come on it looks like the animals might now were we can rest "she says as she and her husband follow after them as they walk through the forest as she then sees a mall cottage as they walk over a small bridge to cross a small river.

As lilac walks over to one of the many windows as she wipes her hands showing nothing but dust it sees like it hasn't been cleaned in a while as she leans into the window looking around it was dark inside.

She then hears the door open as she turns and looks seeing her sister walk in"snow you don't just walk into someone's home"she says as snow let's her curiousness get the better of her.

Lilac sighs looking over to her husband "well I always did say snow was stubborn come on my love"she says before soon the married couple enter the dark home after snow.

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