Chapter 8

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Doopey gets up covered in pots running blindly forward as the pots and pans clang as he runs through the door as the other drawfs hide in a tree ready.

"Here it comes nows our chance"doc says before they all dog pile on doopey as they hit and punch before realizing it's doopey who sits there dizzy as they back off breathing heavily.

"Hold on there it's only doopey"doc says as doopey shakes his head getting rid of the dizzyness as they questioned him on what he saw before he mimicks what he saw.

"He says it's monsters asleep in our beds!"doc translates.

"Let's attack them while they are sleeping "Sneezy says as the others agreed nodding there heads.

"Hurry men it's now or never!"doc says as they stomp back towards the house before a glow was shown as the bedroom door creaks open as doc holds a lamp as he pushed the door slowly open before the others pop there heads in seeing three shapes underneath sheets on the bed.

They quietly tip toe before freezing hereing a yawn before as they huddled around the beds as doc counted to 3 as they yank the sheets off seeing two girls and a boy asleep in the beds as they paused in there attack looking in shock as the two princesses and knight sleep as there chest move up and down.

Doc smiles "well eh ah it's two girls and a boy not monsters at all"he says I'm relief.

"The girls are mighty purdy and I think the boy is a knight "Sneezy says.

"The girls are beautiful like Angels "bashful says with a smile.

Grumpy scoffs"angels hah! Those two are female! And all females are poison. They're full of wicked wiles"grumpy says.

"What are wicked wiles"bashful asked confused.

"I don't know but I'm agin'em"grumpy says shaking his head as as doc sits the lamp on a shelf before shhing grumpy.

"Not so loud you'll wake them up"doc whispered.

Grumpy glares"aw let them wake up! They don't belong here no how"grumpy says loudly as the others shhh them before the three humans start moving before they quickly duck and hide.

Lilac sits up as she stretches with a yawn"man that was a good sleep"she says rubbing her eyes as her husband nods his head as snow white sits up with a yawn.

"Oh dear. I wonder if the children are..."snow says before gasping pulling the blanket up to her chest as the drawfs hid as they pop back up slowly making lilac and George whirl around before they blink seeing seven little men instead of children.

"Why these aren't children at all"lilac says in shock.

"Your right big sister there little men how do you do"snow white says as the seven drawfs look at each other in confused"I said how do you do"snow asked.

"How do you do what"grumps asked crossing his arms.

Snow giggles"oh you can talk I'm so glad"snow says with a smile as she pulls her knees to her chest"now don't tell us who you are"she says as they were gonna guess.

"I know your doc"she says pointing to a drawfs with the greenish hat with glasses wearing a red button up shirt with a belt and grey pants with a white Beard as he smiles.

"Why, why , why yes. Yes! That's true"doc says with a smile.

Lilac looks at a drawrf who smiles with a blush wearing a light green hat with a yellow shirt with patches and a belt with brown pants and shoes"I'm guessing your bashful"she says with a soft smile as he gets bashful hiding his face with his long beard as the other drawfs chuckle.

snow white and the seven dwarfs Where stories live. Discover now