Chapter 10

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It was the next day as the drawfs each got a kiss on the forehead from snow white twice for doopey before they were off to work.

"Hey me and George are going into the forest to get some wood be right back snow"lilac says as she and her husband head off to the woods to fetch wood as snow white was shown humming singing a song as the animals were shown around the kitchen and window as she was making  pies for the others with the help from a few animals as she smiles singing holding up the pie as she sets it down before gasping seeing an elderly woman in a black cloak as the animals scamper away.

The old hag chuckles sinsterly "all alone my pet?"she asked from the kitchen window.

"Why why yes I am but..."snow stutters nodding her head.

"The little men and others are not here?"the old hag says looking around.

Snow wipes her hands on her dress"no they're not,but..."she says but the old hug humms with a smile before sniffing as she smells food "making pies"the women asked.

Snow nods with a smile"yes gooseberry pies"she says as the old women talks about how apple pies make people's mouth water before holding up a basket of apples as she grabs one of the red ones "pies made from apples like these"the women says as she chuckles as the animals watch having a bad feeling as the women continues to try and get snow to take the apple as the animals mainly the birds attacked until snow shhos them odd as they run off to get help.

The animals run off into the forest Lilac and George were shown carrying many stacks of wood they chopped before she sees a heart of animals run towards theme with panic making the married couple share looks before they climb on to a buck as they and the animals race off to find the drawrfs.

Snow led the old women into the house as she sits down after acting like something was wrong with her heart as she the continued the try and get snow to eat a bite out of the apple as the animals,lilac and George run up to the drawfs making them worry.

"Come on somethings wrong back at the cottage!"lilac says before the drawfs quickly climb onto the animals as they all race off through the forest back home as the clouds were turning dark as thunder rumbles in the distance.

The women smiles up at snow "and because you've been so good to poor old granny I'll share a secret with you this is no ordinary apple it's a magic wishing apple"she says getting up as she smiles holding up the apple for snow to take who looks at the apple in awe.

"A wishing apple?"snow asked curious.

"Yes! One bite and all your dreams will come true"the women says with a smile as she hands snow white the apple as she makes a wish as the women waits eager for snow who then takes a bite as snow gasp before falling to the ground in a deep sleep all that can be seen is her hand as the red apple rolls out with a bite taken out as the women cackles.

"Now I'll be the fariest in the land!"she says with a smile holding a finger up in the air revealing her self to be the queen lighting flashes with a clap of rhuyas she laugh walking out the cottage before gasping seeing lilac and George with the drawfs and animals charging forward as she gasp before running off as it starts to rain as they chase after her with anger.

Lilac jumps off the dear as she chases her mother with anger cursing through her body "you won't get away with this mother!"she yells as the storm rages on as they chase her up to the cliff at the top.

The queen gasp realizing it's a dead end as she was on a cliff "I'm trapped"she says as two volchers watch the queen with grins before the queen gets an idea a she grabs a stick jamming it under a giant bolder as she grunts trying to move it "I'll fix ya I'll fix ya I'll crush your bones!"she says cackling as the boulder moves before lighting strikes were she stands making it crumble as she screams falling to her death.

Lilac runs back to the cottage as she gasp with tears seeing snow dead on the ground as she turns crying in Georges chest as everything fades before winter was shown fading into spring the drawfs had made a glass casket for snow as she was layed inside with her hands crossed over her waist holding a bouquet of flowers as lilac walks up to her sister with tears as she seta flowers down before rejoining Georges side.

She then hears leaves rustling as she turns seeing the prince then met the other day walk past her to her sister as the drawfs lift up the glass case as the prince kneels down and places a gentle kiss on snows lips as her eyes flutter awake as he pulls away.

"It was just a spell "George says realizing what the queen did while the drawfs cheer as lilac and him share smiles as they rush over hugging snow in relief before snow finally gets her happy ending as they all way at her as the prince and snow ride off to the golden Kingdom in the distance.

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