Chapter 7

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"Jiminy crickets!" The drawfs all day in shock as they stare at there home as lights were on as smoke was coming out the chimney as the front door was wide open.

"The door is open."doc says.

"The chimneys smoking"happy says.

"Somethings in there maybe a ghost"doc suggested as others soon suggested different things as grumpy faced them"mark my words there's trouble a brewing felt it coming all day my corns hurt "he says pointing at his feet at the end with a nod of his head.

"Gosh "happy says with a gasp.

"That's a bad sign "bashful says with a whisper.

"What do we do"they all asked.

"Let's sneak up on it"happy says.

Doc clears his throat "yes, we'll uh squeak up...sneak up. Come on hen...uh men follow me"he says stutter before correcting him self as he leads the way as they all quitely head towards the house as they tip toe quitely.

They then creep up to the open door and window as they secretly look as doc gets there attention before they quietly head into the house as the door slightly creaks as they move in tip toeing as there shows squeak with each step they took with there's tools for protection as they look around there home it looked different then how they left it this morning as they look around in shock before jumping when the door slams closed accidentally by doopey as they scrambled around before huddling as they see it was only doopey as they all sigh in relief before shhing him.

As he nod his head before shhing at the door. They then huddle around doc"careful men. Search every cook and nanny...hook and granny...crooked everywhere"he says after stuttering before they quietly fan out.

Three blue birds secretly watch from the beams as the deer , squirrels and rabbits watch from outside doc, sleepy and Sneezy tip toe around quitely as there shoes squeak as they jump when doc gasp looking down "look! The floor it's been swept"he says as they look at the floor in shock as grumpy runs a finger along the top of a wooden chair "hah! Chairs been dusted!"he says.

Happy was shown looking at a window "our windows been washed"he says in shock as bashful looks up at the ceiling "gosh, our combwebs are missing"he says.

"Why, why, why, why the whole place is clean!"doc says I'm shock.

"There's dirty work afoot"grumpy says as doc nods his head before sleepy and Sneezy were shown by the wooden sink"the sinks empty hey someone stole our dishes!"Sneezy says as happy was shown by a set of cabinets were the dishes were shown "they ain't stolen they're hid in the cupboard"happy says pointing at the dishes as bashful grabs a clean cup.

"My cups been washed"bashful says as he runs a finger in it"sugars gone"he says.

Happy and doopey were then shown by the black pot over the fire in the fire place"somethings cooking"happy says as he sniffs with doopey."smells good "happy says with a smile as he grabs a spoon but grumpy pushed them back"don't touch it you fools might be poison"he says just as they jump back covering there faces as steam hisses out as the lid rattles.

"See? It's witches brew"grumpy says pointing at the heated pot before doc was shown at the wooden table with bowls and utensils set out with candles lit and flowers in a vase."look what's happened to our stable...uh table"doc says as bashful walks over as he takes the flowers.

"Flowers!"he says with a smile as he sniffs them as Sneezy walks over"huh"he asked before bashful shoves the flowers in his nose as he shakes his head backing up"don't do it. Take them away. My nose. My hay fever you know I can't stand it I can't...I can't ...I...oh..ah..."he says fixing to sneeze loudly until they all hold a finger over his nose waiting for it to pass as they slowly lower him back down.

Sneezy looks at them in relief "thanks!"he says before loudly sneezing as most of them were blown away as grumpy managed to stay on his feet holding his hat down while the others slam into the wall with chairs as vases and a bucket lay around as they all poke there heads out shhing him.

Sneezy wipes his nose as grumpy stomps forward "ya crazy fool! Fine time you picked yo sneeze!"he whispered Crossing his arms.

"I couldn't help it I can't tell when you gotta you gotta I gotta's coming"Sneezy says as he had the feeling to sneeze again as they soon dog piled on him and tie his beard around his nose tightly before they back away as he looks at them in relief "thanks!"he says loudly before they all quickly shhed him.

"Quite you fool! You want to get us all killed." grumpy whispered as the birds were shown as they share looks coming up with a plan as they nodded there heads before bending over as they pock there beeks against the wood making a loud knocking sound as they spook the drawfs as they hat point straight up before they look around huddled together.

"What's that"happy says stammering.

"That's it"doc says.

"It sounded so close"bashful says.

"It's in this room right now"grumpy says just as the bird share a look as the three shriek loudly together spooking them more as they jump in the air before running around screaming as they all hid in different places Sneezy hid in a pot with the lid on his head, happy hid behind a chair as sleepy hid in a mop bucket with the mop on his head, doopey hid in the logs,  grumpy hid in a sack of potatoes while bashful hid underneath the stairs as they all poke there heads out before quitely coming out there hiding spots as doc holds a candle as they look up the stairs.

"It's up there"doc says as they all share looks Before they shove doopey up the stairs with the burning candle as he hands shake with the candle as he gulps tip toeing up the stairs to the large wooden door to the room he slowly opens the door with a creak as he peeks his head in with a shaking candle before suddenly snow white yawns moving under the sheet.

Doopey gets spooked before another sheet starts moving causing him to shake as he screamed running out the room slamming the door dropping the candle as he slams into the other drawfs as they all fall down the steps groaning before soon they all shout running out the house as doopey trys to untangle him self.

The door slams closed as they hold it closed on the other side as doopey managed to untangle himself self as he runs to the door trying to pull it open with everything he's got before pulling the handle off the door slowly creaking opening as he flys back landing in the pots and pans as he springs out running off covered in pots.

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