Fight Me- Karlnap

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CW: talks of needles, mentioned blood, hospital setting

Plot: Karl's in hospital and his new nurse is cute as hell...but he really doesn't like needles.

Third Person POV.

Karl further buries himself under his mountains of pillows, the imposing chemicals still somehow making their way into his nose. The hospital worker's footsteps echoing down linoleum halls.

You may be wondering why he's burying himself under pillows. It's because he's absolutely terrified of needles.

He has five minutes before his nurse will come in and stab him with a horrendous needle. So naturally he begins to cover himself with the abundance of pillows surrounding him, with only his head poking out. He can't get stabbed if there's no where to stab him.

"Karl Jacobs?" A deep voice calls from through his wall of pillows, evidentially not his usual nurse.

"That's me," Karl responds, his voice mumbled slightly through the surrounding fabric.

"I'm gonna need you to move your pillows so I can give you your shot," the voice tells him.

"I don't wanna," Karl mumbles, a soft chuckle reaching his ears from the other side of his pillow fort.

"You're going to need to," the nurse reasons, a smile evident in his voice.

"Fight me," Karl challenges, bringing his head above all of the pillows to look the nurse in the eye. His gaze being met with a rugged looking brunette, a stunning smile on the man's lips.

"Maybe later," he tells Karl before he begins moving his pillows.

Karl grumbles in distaste the entire time the man removes his pillows. "I know needles suck," the nurse tells him as he pushes the needle in. "But you're doing so well," he praises.

"Thanks," Karl mumbles, his face warming as he squirms uncomfortably at the feeling of the needle.

"By the way," the nurse continues. "My name's Nick, but you can call me Sapnap. I'm going to be your nurse until you're discharged," Sapnap tells him with a warm smile as he cleans the puncture wound.

"What happened to George?" Karl asks, his eye brows furrowed.

"He's getting married," Sapnap tells him as he puts a Band-Aid on.

"Are he and Dream finally tying the knot?!" Karl asks, sitting up excitedly.

"Uhm, yeah," he confirms, a fond smile on his lips as he looks down at Karl. "I'm assuming you guys where close?"

"Yeah, it's hard not to be after he's been taking care of me for the past month," Karl shares.

"That's fair," he says. "I'll be back the same time tomorrow, alright?"

"Can't wait," Karl jokingly flirts, making the nurse roll his eyes with chuckle.

"I know you don't want to, but I need to do this," Sapnap tells him as Karl rips his arm from the nurse's grip.

They had been doing this for the past few weeks, soon to be a month, and yet Karl would never simply take the needle. Although, Sapnap could never really be frustrated with the man. He always found it endearing.

"Why," Karl whines.

"I would give you the explanation I got after four years of schooling," Sapnap tells him, gently reaching for Karl's arm. "But I have a feeling that'd go in one ear and out the other,"

"You'd be right," Karl giggles, moving his arm from the man's grip and covering his bicep with his hand.

After Sapnap finishes his daily tasks, he would always find himself coming back to Karl's room. At first it had just been because he needed to make sure Karl was okay before leaving for home, but he found that he truly enjoyed the man's company. He could see why he was George's favourite patient.

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