Timless Pt. 1- Karlnap

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CW: the setting is 1932 and it's gay...so do the maths lmao (there's no homophobia or hate crimes or anything, it's just talked mentioned very briefly)

Plot: Karl and Sapnap have just moved into their new house together. (This is gonna be apart of something a lot bigger, and it'll make sense once I've published all the parts)

Third Person POV.

Birds chirp as the sun rises higher into the sky, the gentle promise of a warm day whispered through the wind. Spring flowers blooming to life as the bees buzz around in the multitudes of rose bushes along the front of the porch. The spring sunlight sparkles on the dew of the vibrant green grass as the gravel crunches below Sapnap's feet. Karl's giggles fill the air as he grips Sapnap neck tightly from where he's held bridal style in the other man's arms.

"Ah! Careful!" Karl squeals as Sapnap nearly trips, stumbling giddily up the front porch steps. "Don't ruin our house before we can even move in!"

"Oh, so you care more about the house than me?" Sapnap asks, an eye brow raised as he slips them through the front door.

"Yes," Karl dead pans, as he grabs Sapnap's hat, shoving it into his faces and erupting into a fit of giggles. "We just got it, I don't want your blood all over the porch before the sun even goes down,"

"Such a caring man," Sapnap rolls his eyes as he lets go of Karl's legs, letting him drop to the floor gracefully after doing it millions of times.

"Man that is now your husband," Karl points out with a giggle as he kissing Sapnap on the cheek. His words make Sapnap's heart flutter before a familiar weight pulls it down, the other man runs further into the house like a kid in a candy shop.

The hallways were lined with boxes all stacked hazardously, Karl's neat hand writing all over them telling the mover what room they were to go on. "Whatcha looking for, love?" Sapnap asks as he hears rummaging from the room Karl had just run into.

"The camera!" Karl tells him. "Do you know where we put it?"

"I think it's in the study!" Sapnap answers as he hangs his hat on the coat rack. "Why do you need it?"

"Found it!" Karl calls excitedly as he bounds back down the hallway. "I wanna take a photo of us in our first house as a married couple," Karl tells him as he fiddles with the large camera.

"We aren't really married," Sapnap corrects, somewhat solemnly as he looks at the hard wood floors of their new home.

"I know," Karl admits as he walks over to Sapnap, cupping the side of his face and tilting it up to look him in the eye. "But I see you as my husband, even if not legally,"

"Do you think it'll ever be legal for us to be married?" Sapnap asks as he holds Karl's hand against his cheek as he leans into the touch.

"I don't know," Karl tells him, a sad smile on his lips.

"I just want to be able to love you in public without being worried you'll get hurt," Sapnap explains with a heavy sigh. "Why do people suck so much?"

"I don't know, but I hope they won't suck for much longer," Karl says. "And hopefully the next generation will be able to love who they want without fear,"

"Do you think that is really possible?" Sapnap asks, hope sparkling in his eyes.

"It's 1932. Anything is possible," Karl tells him before kissing him gently. "Let's go take this photo, yeah?"

"Okay," Sapnap smiles, holding his husbands hand as he's dragged back out to the front porch.

The sun shines gently as Karl sets up the bulky camera carefully atop it's stand. He pulls from it a long wire with a small button on the end and Sapnap wraps his arms around his shoulder, a wide smile on his lips. Karl looks up at him, his eyes squinting in a wide grin that Sapnap can't help up kiss gently.

A bright flash lights from behind his eye lids, and he turns to see that Karl had already taken the photo. "Oh you're evil," Sapnap mumbles as Karl erupts into giggles once again.

"It's gonna be such a good photo," Karl tells him by way of reasoning as he walks over to the camera once again. "I can't wait to develop it,"

"Where are we gonna put it?" Sapnap asks as they walk into their home.

"I was thinking on top of the mantle place," Karl offers.

"We don't have a mantle place," Sapnap points out skeptically.

"Good thing I have a big strong man to build me one," Karl tells him cheekily as he puts his hand on Sapnap's chest, an evil smile on his lips.

"You're so lucky you're cute," Sapnap tells him as he leans down to kiss him deeply.

"Cute and yours," Karl reminds him after they pull away, before he runs off once again, leaving a loopy smile on Sapnap's face.

Maybe they weren't really married, but they belonged to one another. They didn't need legal certificates to verify that. They didn't need the law to see them as such. They didn't even need the world to see them like that. All they needed was each other and the undeniable fact that they were theirs.

That they loved one another, and could nothing change that.

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