The Florist- Karlnap

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Plot: Karl has never really been interested in plants until a pretty florist comes to town.

Third Person  POV.

Karl isn't really a plant person. He has lots of friends that are, but he himself can't even keep a plastic plant alive.

His friend Niki is having a birthday party and a day before he decides to buy her a pot plant, knowing her love of all things green. Walking into the wet dirt smelling shop, his entrance is announced by a ringing of a bell

"Hey, how can I help you?" A young looking girl asks from behind a register, she had a oft dark blonde hair and pretty features.

"Hi, I was just wondering if you had any pot plants?" Karl asks as he approaches the back of the building where she stands.

"Yeah, we do, do you have anything specific in mind?" She asks, turning to a computer screen and typing something in.

"Uhm, no," he says with a small giggle. "Truth be told I don't know anything about plants, this is for a friend's birthday,"

"Oh, okay, yeah, we have some nice flowers but we also have succulents and some herbs, do you know what your friend likes in ways of plants?" She asks, reading off of the screen.

"Not really," Karl admits, looking at the floor then back to the girl.

His eyes catch on a figure walking past the door way behind her, clearly leading to the back of the shop where a majority of the plants are kept. The figure is tall and muscly with dirt covering his hands and arms, but they move too quickly for Karl to see them clearly.

"—there's also rosemary which would be good if your friend likes to cook as well as plants," The girl speaks, making Karl jump slightly, not realising she was still talking.

"Yeah," he breathes out. "Yeah, she loves to cook, that would work well,"

"Perfect," the girl smiles. "Sapnap! We need some rosemary! Pot plant size!" She calls out, looking back to the room and poking her head in.

She comes back to behind the desk and smiles sweetly as they wait for whoever Sapnap is. "What was that?" A light southern accent asks as the same muscly figure from before asks poking his head out the doorway, pulling out an earphone and holding it in his hand.

The sight he positively breath taking. Sapnap has dark brown hair, longer than Karl would have expected but it suited him. He had a scruffy beard, but not in a way that looked patchy. His hands were covered in dirt along with the singlet top and black jeans he wore, a black jacket tied around his waist.

"This lovely gentleman would like a plot plant with rosemary, Sap," the girl said, pointing to Karl.

"Oh, of course, sorry, I couldn't hear you clearly before. I'll be right out with that," Sapnap says, turning to look at Karl with a stunning smile.

"Thanks," Karl breathes out.

After a few minutes Sapnap comes back with a pot plant no bigger than Karl's hands. "Once it's bigger, you'll want to transfer it or clip it so it doesn't stop growing," Sapnap explains as he hands over the plant. "And make sure not to water it too much. A method I like is putting it in a bucket full of wate—"

"Yeah, okay, Sapnap, if he wants pointers he'll come ask," the girl cuts off. "Or he can y'know research it like a normal person,"

"Whatever, Drista, I was just tryna help," Sapnap says before rolling his eyes. Looking to Karl as if to say can you believe her? Making him giggle.

Sapnap's eyes light up at the beautiful sound of the pretty boy giggle before he walks back to the greenhouse in the back, waving a quick goodbye.

That was the first time Karl went to the new florist in town, but it certainly wasn't the last. How could it be with such a nice boy in the back? He answered all of Karl's questions patiently and would even give him a discount on his purchases whenever Drista wasn't at the register.

Karl's apartment was soon filled with plants he knew all about thanks to the pretty gardener from 'Dream's Plant Imperium' (Kind of a weird name if you asked Karl, but he'd never say that).

"Is your boyfriend coming in today?" Drista asks where she leans against a large pot that's up to her shoulder.

"He's not my boyfriend," Sapnap corrects as he weeds through one of the plants.

"But you know who I'm talking about, so you obviously want him to be," Drista points out.

"He's like our only regular, who else would you be talking about?" Sapnap asks, sitting on his heel and looking at Drista.

"We have other regulars," Drista corrects. "You Just only ever take notice of him. You do like him though, don't you?"

"What gave you that idea?" Sapnap asks, going back to his plants.

"The hundreds of dollars we've lost because of your puppy dog love discounts, the fact that when he's here you do little to nothing and I have to do it all, the dopey smile you have when he laughs—" Drista begins to list before Sapnap cuts her off.

"Okay, okay, yeah, maybe I like him," Sapnap says quickly. "What about it?"

"You should tell him," Drista says simply as she pulls her phone out of her pocket. "It's obvious he likes you as well. He had literally no interest in any of the plants until you came out the first time he was here,"

"You don't know that," Sapnap corrects as he pulls a weed out and puts it in the bucket next to him. "And he probably doesn't even like guys,"

"Have you even met him?" Drista asks in disbelief. "You are not talking to the same person if you think he doesn't like guys. He's mentioned his exes before and he's always used he/him pronouns, dude. Are you really that oblivious?"

"What? No, I'm not oblivious. He's just not very obvious," Sapnap tells her as he sits up again. "Tell Mrs. Smith her pots have all been weeded and are ready for collection,"

"Whatever," Drista says with an eye roll. "Just consider it,"

"Hey, Sap!" A cheerful voice calls out from behind the register in the main shop, which Sapnap recognises as Karl.

"Hey, Karl," he says with a bright smile as he wipes his hands off and walks over to the man. "How can I help you? Need more plant guidance?"

"Oh, no, no, I'm alright in that department," Karl assures, looking to the floor then back at Sapnap. "I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee during your break,"

"Oh— yeah, yeah, of course," Sapnap says, snapping his head up in surprise, his face heating up as the grime on him feels a lot more present. "I get off in an hour,"

"Okay, see you then," Karl says with a warm smile before walking out of the building. Sapnap's eyes trail him, still in disbelief when he hears someone clear his throat.

He whips his head around and sees Drista leaning against the door way. "I told you," she says with a sing song tone as she turns and walks into the green house.

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