Timeless Pt. 2- Karlnap

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CW: mentions of war, implied homophobia (very little, but it is set in 1944-1945 so...World War 2)

Plot: Sapnap accidentally runs into a stranger on the busy streets of North Carolina, and buys him a milkshake. (This is gonna be apart of something a lot bigger, and it'll make sense once I've published all the parts)

Third Person POV.

The honking of horns fills the winter air as the busy city chatters amongst itself. The yelling of upset drivers and advertisement advocating for young men to join the army floods down the street. The constant flow of people pushes all pedestrians every-which-way, the crowd bustling as Sapnap struggles to make his way forward to return home.

His eyes are on the cement below him as he tries to gently shoulder through the people in the flow, pushing against it when he pushes into someone front on, knocking them to the floor. "Oh my god, I am so sorry," he apologises quickly as he helps them to their feet.

"It's alright," the chestnut haired man in front of him assures as he brushes himself off as he stands up, an assuring smile on his lips, the sight making Sapnap's chest flutter. "I just dropped my milkshake," the man pouts, a light pink, milky liquid being trampled beneath the ongoing crowd's stampede.

"Sorry," Sapnap repeats. "I can buy you a new one if you'd like?"

"No, no, it's alright," they tell him. "It wasn't even that good anyways,"

"You sure? I wouldn't mind," Sapnap tells him.

"Of course I want one," the stranger rolls his eyes playfully, his giggle making Sapnap feel dizzy. He already knew how dangerous this could be.

"Okay, well let me take you somewhere that is that good and buy you one," Sapnap offers, chuckling at the man's antics, ignoring the anxiety filled gnawing that was beginning to show itself at the bottom of his stomach.

"I'd like that," he grins. "My name is Karl, by the way,"

"Nick, but my friends call me Sapnap," Sapnap tells him, shaking the other man's hand, the touch warming his chest in a weirdly familiar way, any fears seemingly zapped from his chest. "It's just back this way," he explains as they start to make their way towards the men in stiff-looking army uniforms.

"So where are you from?" Karl asks as they make their way down the busy street.

"How did you...how did you know I wasn't from here?" Sapnap's eyes were wide as he looked at the pretty man beside him.

"Your accent," Karl shrugs as he glances at Sapnap. "I don't know where it's from, but I can tell it isn't North Carolina,"

"Yeah," Sapnap chuckles. "I'm from Greece, but grew up in Texas,"

"Ah," Karl nods with a giggle. "That explains the weird mixed accent,"

"Hey! My accent isn't weird!" Sapnap insists.

"Sure, bud," Karl agrees sarcastically as he holds Sapnap's arm in a mocking comfort, as he giggles more. Sapnap rolls his eyes as a warm grin spreads across his lips, shaking his head slowly, the anxiety he felt before evaporating the second the other man touched him.

Sapnap guides them down an alley way, the once warm sun hidden behind the height of the buildings on either side of them. "I'm starting to think there isn't a milkshake place and you're just going to murder me," Karl voices skeptically as he continues to follow Sapnap.

"I'm not, I swear," Sapnap assures as they turn a corner to reveal a brightly coloured diner.

The large sign holding the name of the restaurant towers over them. The blue and pink swirls climbing up the pillars looking like cotton candy as they walk past.

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