Timeless Pt.3- Karlnap

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Plot: Karl, Sapnap, Dream and George are walking home from a day spent at the arcade (This is gonna be apart of something a lot bigger, and it'll make sense once I've published all the parts)


Third Person POV.

The soft creaking of crickets fill the air as the gentle autumn breeze blows carefully through the quiet streets. The sounds of the cars driving past filling in the breaks in the conversation between the small group of friends as they walk home from the arcade they had spent the afternoon at.

"How did none of you hear what I just asked?!" Dream asks exasperated as he throws his arms up into the air from where he walks beside George. The night sky glimmers above them as the group of friends walk down the concrete path away from the arcade.

"I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours," Karl admits apologetically from ahead of the curly haired blond and George.

"I got distracted halfway through," Sapnap chuckles from where he walks next to Karl.

"Ignoring you was a conscious decision," George dead pans, making Karl and Sapnap erupt into laughter at faux look of hurt on Dream's face.

"You've evil," Dream mumbles with a grin before he grabs George by the waist, pulling him in as he blows raspberries into the Brit's neck. George's shrieks and giggles fill the quiet street a she attempts to push Dream off, a wide smile on his face.

"Stop! Stop!" George screams one more time before he is finally able to push his boyfriend off of him, a cheesy grin still on his face. "What did you ask, dumbass?" George puffs out as he brushes off his shirt and fixes his hair.

"I asked, if time were to freeze for everyone but you for one day, what would you do?" Dream asks from where he walks slightly further behind beside George.

"Hm," George hums in thought.

"I'd mildly trouble everyone," Karl announces confidently.

"Karl Jacobs? Cause trouble?" Sapnap scoffs from where he walks beside him. "You don't have a singular bad bone in your body, Karl,"

"I do! All my bones are bad! I'm a bad boner!" Karl defends with a knowing giggle, making George and Dream snicker from behind. "And I didn't say I would do something bad," Karl corrects as he nudges playfully into Sapnap's side. "Just mild inconveniences,"

"Alright, so what would you do then?" George asks.

"Uhm," Karl pauses, hugging the large stuffed animal in his arms tighter, the endearing sight setting Sapnap's face alight. "I'd shave a one-inch thick line in every thick bear I saw,"

"Hey!" Dream calls out in offence, a faux pout on his face.

"You can't even grow a full beard, shut up," George points out, making Sapnap snort. "Continue, Karl,"

"I'd twist all the lightbulbs just a little bit so no one would know they aren't working," Karl continues through his giggles. "And I'd make every wing on girls eyeliner just a little bit higher than the other one. I'd tie everyone's shoelaces together," Karl continued to list off easily, the group gradually slowing to a stop. "And then lastly, I'd snip a little hole in every tea bag,"

There's a beat of silence.

"You've thought about this a lot, haven't you?" Dream asks skeptically.

"Is that a bad thing?" Karl asks, his eye brows furrowed, looking like a confused and hurt puppy.

"Eh," George tilts his head a little to the side skeptically.

"Of course not," Sapnap cuts in quickly making everyone erupt into laughter.

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