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DELILAH PIERCE was always an... interesting girl. she noticeably stood out compared to her classmates, both behaviorally and physically. however, she never even tried to stand out. hell, she never even wanted attention in the first place. that is, until the 1984 school year.

but i think i am getting slightly ahead of myself, so let's take it back a few notches!

born july 24th of 1967, delilah n. pierce was born in the town of hawkins, indiana. she never told anyone what the N stood for. she was born into a quite wealthy family. delilah had a handful of concerns in her life, and fortunately, her family not being able to afford the bare necessities was not one of them. unlike a lot of the girls in her class, she hardly showed any skin and she's relatively quiet. once you get to know her though, she could be quite talkative. but that's how you know she liked you. so as of right now, she pretty much only talked to two people.

and who were these two people, you ask? well, they were two people who regularly had classes with her; steve "the hair" harrington and nancy wheeler.

the three of them were an inseparable trio. and the thing is, no one could really connect the dots as to why they were so close. it was kinda just a natural thing.

in the fall of '84, delilah found herself falling for hawkins' heartthrob, billy hargrove. i mean, how could she not? word spread like wild fire that he was definitely a... hands-on learner!

everything that happened was such a blur, and before she knew it, billy was interacting with her on a day-to-day basis, much to her delight. soon enough, strangers became friends, which then became lovers.

delilah found herself spending most of her free time with billy, despite all of her warnings from both nancy and steve, but especially steve. the two men were in the middle of a civil war, after all. delilah could not explain said war to save her life because by the second day of steve's mansplaining, she began tuning him out.

she just loved everything about billy; he treated her like she was the only girl in the world. every time he called her his "sweetheart," her default expression was blushing. no words could describe all the love she had for him. despite all of his struggles, especially in his home life, he always made sure none of that interfered with her emotions or their relationship. the two of them were practically made for each other, and delilah was pretty much in heaven.

that is, until the summer of '85.

delilah noticed a very significant change of behavior in her boyfriend. she could never quite put her finger on what went wrong, but she never really wanted to acknowledge all the thorns in her bed of roses.

billy had began to be a lot more snippy with her, and most of their conversations led to her apologizing for whatever she did that made him angry, which she never had any pre-conceived knowledge of. unfortunately most of her mornings were spent concealing bruises rather than hickies. delilah just did not know why he was being like this. in fact she never would have thought of the true reason, which she'd need to learn the hard way.

there was one night though where he just went... haywire. whatever metaphorical demon that was possessing him must have also made him forget what the word "no" meant. everything happened in such a flash that delilah could not even process the series of events until she was left on her bedroom floor, shaking and crying. later that night, billy seemingly disappeared.

even after everything that happened that night, delilah wished she could have said goodbye.

when she eventually got the call that billy was found dead in the now-destroyed starcourt mall, delilah's heart practically dropped to the bottom of her stomach. she held plenty of anger towards him from his actions, yet there was a significant part of her that missed him. all of her friends would often call her to check on her, and they all clearly saw that she was an emotional mess, so it was no surprise when she ended up taking the first half of the following school year off to focus on her mental state.

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