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NEVER IN a million years did delilah think she'd see a creature that even remotely resembled a bat ever since that fateful day at the park. yet here she was, trying to stop one from eating her friend steve!

the four of them were fully brawling with these creatures, especially robin. she was going HAM, dude. despite the fact that the creatures were all eventually annihilated, the one that attack steve took about a pound of flesh from him. ouch!

robin also brought up a valid concern; that these bat-like creatures may be carrying rabies. and before they knew it, a whole family of the bats flew over to them.

"remember the story, eddie," delilah smiled. "they shit on people's heads!"

"who shits on people's heads?"

"you just had to be there, steve."

nancy then got the idea that instead of fighting them, and potentially getting shit on and/or infected with rabies, they could just hide in the woods. delilah approved of this idea: she figured they should save whatever was left of their stamina.

now did they find a hiding spot? yes.
was it creepy as SHIT? also yes.

steve began feeling fatigued due to how much blood he was losing by the minute. while nancy and robin treated his wounds, eddie and delilah kind of just chilled while they waited.

"hey, lilah?"


"have you been doing something new with your eyeliner?"

delilah softly chuckled, feeling grateful that eddie pays enough attention to her to notice the little details.

"oh uh, actually i have been doing something new with it!"

"it looks pretty... could you do my eyeliner one day?" eddie asks. at this point he was praying it was dark enough outside to conceal how much he was blushing.

"of course eddie. i will do your eyeliner any day of the week," she smiles.

"can we do it once we're done defeating vecna and everything is back to normal?"


[author's note: chapter 9 is gonna kill me ☹️]

once steve was temporarily bandaged, the gang continued their voyage.

"so this place is like hawkins, only with nasty monsters and shit?" eddie questions.

"pretty much." delilah bluntly responds.

"wait watch out for the vines! it's all a hive mind," nancy warns eddie. everything was pretty much connected, so in the words of steve, if you step on a vine, you're stepping on a bat, and you're stepping on vecna.

the group then began discussing the possibility of getting firearms to kill the bats. and then nancy shocked everybody by dropping a big secret; she has multiple guns in her bedroom!

"you, nancy wheeler, have guns, PLURAL, in your bedroom?" eddie pretty much asks, on behalf of the rest of them.

"full of surprises, isn't she?" robin exclaims.

once that was all established, unfortunately, the ground began to violently shake. delilah was holding onto eddie like her life depended on it, because it did! luckily, the shaking stopped relatively quickly, and without thinking twice the group decided to follow through on their plan and get some guns.

"couldn't we have tried a road? or something just slightly less creepy?" robin inquired. "i think we're getting close. we're almost out of here, don't worry," nancy responds.

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