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TO SAY the end was near by this point was a major understatement. delilah was absolutely scared shitless for the battle of vecna. she had never even battled demons before, so this could very well be both her first and last battle.

delilah made a list of how this would all work. it read as follows;

* PHASE ONE: meet erica at the playground. she will signal max and lucas when we are ready.
* PHASE TWO: max will bait vecna. he'll go after her, which will put him in a trance.
* PHASE THREE: dustin eddie 𓂸 and delilah will draw the bats away (the margins read: "i don't know why eddie drew a penis next to his name")
* PHASE FOUR: head into vecna's (newly brat-free) lair and "flambé" (it also says "thank you robin for being so descriptive" in the margins)

by this point delilah was shitting bricks. she was shitting more bricks than the bat that flew over her dad's dead that one time, if that's even possible.

as the group gathered before the impending battle, delilah could feel the tension in the air. she was surrounded by her friends, yet a feeling of doubt still gnawed at her. eddie sensed her unease and pulled her aside, his voice soft but resolute.

"hey, delilah, i can see that you're worried. but you're strong, and you know what you're doing. you've faced worse before."

she looked at him, a mix of gratitude and uncertainty in her eyes. "i know, eddie, but this is different. this is vecna we're dealing with."

eddie held her gaze, his own determination unwavering. "i know it's scary, but you can't doubt yourself now. remember our plan, stick to it, and trust in your abilities. you're more than capable, and we're all here with you."

delilah nodded, her grip on her weapon tightening. eddie's words were like a lifeline, grounding her in the midst of her fears. his next words surprised her, though, and her heart skipped a beat.

"sweetheart, i believe in you. and i know you can do this."

the word "sweetheart" hit her like a wave of emotions. it was a term of endearment she had heard before, but it had always been associated with painful memories of billy. she used to feel a pang of hurt whenever anyone used that nickname, but now, hearing it from eddie, it was different. it was filled with sincerity, warmth, and genuine affection.

she took a deep breath, her eyes moistening with tears she hadn't expected. she felt a sense of healing wash over her, as if eddie's words had transformed the painful associations of the past into something new and beautiful.

"thank you, eddie," she managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper.

he smiled, his gaze filled with reassurance. "you've got this, delilah. we're in this together, and i'm right here by your side."

as they rejoined the group and prepared to face vecna, delilah carried with her a sense of reflection. the pain associated with the term "sweetheart" had been replaced with a newfound strength and a feeling of being cherished. eddie's genuine support had helped her heal, reminding her that the wounds of the past could be mended by the connections and love she had in her life now. as they headed into battle, she knew that eddie's words would be her guiding light, propelling her forward with confidence and determination.

everyone made their way into the trailer, with steve "bravely" climbing up the rope and manhandling that... terrifying mattress. soon enough, everybody took their turns climbing the rope.

once everyone was on the same page, steve pulled delilah, eddie, and dustin aside and informed them to abort mission if phases one and two end up being a total disaster.

second chances? | eddie munson x fem! ocWhere stories live. Discover now