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ONCE DELILAH was done doing whatever the hell you'd call that, she overheard max talking to the rest of the group about how she was in some type of trance, has been experiencing PAINFUL headaches, and saw... miraculously... a grandfather clock????

"shit... you saw the clock too? and got the headaches?" delilah made her way over to max, both concerned and slightly relieved. relieved, of course, because it meant she was not the only one experiencing it. "think about this, lilah. chrissy's headache started a week ago. fred's, six days ago. i've been having them for five days... and you?" delilah had never seen max that legitimately concerned.

"well, i'm used to getting migraines, but they've been pretty bad for about three or four days. i thought they were stress related, but something tells me they aren't..."

"i don't know how long we have. all i know is that, for fred and chrissy, they both died less than twenty four hours after their first vision. and i just saw that goddamn clock, as did you, so... looks like we're gonna die tomorrow."

now max and delilah usually joked about that kind of stuff more often than they probably should have, but the way the girl had just stated that prediction, delilah could not help but believe her.

"i really can't disagree with you on that one, max..."

delilah was too paranoid to recall anything that happened between the few hours that passed, but max had requested to visit billy's grave, as she felt her death was approaching quickly. delilah agreed to accompany her so that she did not feel lonely. eventually, steve agreed to drop the girls off at the cemetery, but not before max visited her mom. whatever happened in that brief minute, though, was clearly not good, because if it went well she wouldn't have come back so abruptly and quietly.

once max and delilah reached the gravestone, they both took turns saying whatever they felt they needed to say. max took out a letter and began reading it, while delilah sat beside her.

"dear billy, i don't even know if you can hear this. two years ago, i would've said 'that's ridiculous, impossible.' but that was before I found out about alternate dimensions and monsters, so i'm just going to stop assuming that i know anything."

"so much has happened since you left. your dad was a total mess. he and my mom started getting into fights. bad fights. i don't think he could stand being here without you. so he left. and he didn't leave mom much. she's taken an extra job, and we moved to that lovely trailer park off kerley," she continued.

"basically, ever since you left, everything's been a total disaster. and the worst part is, i can't tell anyone why you're gone. i can't tell them that you saved el's life. that you saved my life. i play that moment back in my head all the time. and sometimes i imagine myself running to you, pulling you away. i imagine that if i had, that you would still be here. and everything would be right again. i imagine that we could've become friends. good friends, like a real brother and sister. and i know that's stupid. you hated me. i hated you. but i thought that maybe we could try again. but that's not what happened. i just stood there and i watched." delilah could tell how distraught max truly was, and gently placed her hand on max's shoulder, reassuring her that her feelings were completely valid.

"for a while, i tried to be happy. normal. but i think that maybe a part of me died that day too. and i haven't told anyone this. i just can't. but i had to tell you. before it's too late. if you can even hear this, and i really hope that you can. i'm sorry. i'm so, so sorry, billy."

"love, your shitty little sister, max." she concluded the letter, folding it back up. she adjusted her seating position, allowing delilah to add her two cents into it.

"uh... hi billy. i don't really know how to properly word what i've been wanting to say. but i figured i would just let it out now so i can feel better about it later." delilah could already feel herself tearing up.

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