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"STEVE SAYS you need to hurry!" erica is frantically running down the hallway as the group tries to figure out why nancy is all of a sudden vecna's new target.

"yeah no shit!" dustin yells back. max pipes in, "we're trying, we can't find anything!"

"what are you even looking for?" eddie yells. "madonna, blondie, bowie, beatles..." delilah starts, only to be interrupted by robin. "-music! we need music!"

eddie aggressively grabs the black sabbath tape, screaming and i quote, "THIS IS MUSIC!!!"

robin and delilah slowly turned to each other, an even ratio of worried and confused.

all of a sudden, nancy went back to normal. oddly enough, she did not hear any music?

"he showed me things that haven't happened yet. the most awful things." nancy began explaining what she saw. "i saw... a dark cloud spreading over hawkins. downtown on fire. dead soldiers. and this giant creature with... a gaping mouth. and this creature wasn't alone. there were so many monsters... an army. and they were coming into hawkins. into our neighborhoods. our homes." eddie could see delilah getting visibly more nervous as nancy continued, so he scootched a bit closer to her and quietly rubbed his hand up and down her arm.

"and then... he showed me my mom. and holly. mike. and they... they were all..." nancy inhaled a shaky breath.

"okay, but... he's just trying to scare you, nance. right? i mean... i mean, it's not real." it was times like these where delilah wished that men had mute buttons.

"not yet..." nancy continued. "but there... there was something else. he showed me gates. four gates. spreading across hawkins. and these gates, they looked like the one outside of eddie's trailer, but... they didn't stop growing. and this wasn't the upside down hawkins. this was our hawkins. our home."

"four chimes. vecna's clock. it always chimes four times. four exactly." max interjected.

"i heard them too." nancy responds.

"he's been telling us his plan this whole time. four kills. four gates. end of the world." delilah added.

"if that's true..." dustin started, "he's only one kill away."

"oh jesus christ, jesus christ!" eddie exclaims. steve advises max to try calling joyce for the five hundredth time that day.

"whatever's happening in lenora is connected to all of this. i'm sure of it. but vecna can't hurt them. not if he's dead." nancy speaks up. "we have to go back in there. back to the upside down."

steve and eddie immediately disapprove of this idea, but everyone as a group decided to talk it through, including the potential pros and cons. max expressed how she can still feel vecna with her. this bit of information is scary to everyone in the group, but especially to delilah. she already witnessed max's near death first hand, she did not want to see it again.

eddie had discussed with the group how he found a place just outside of hawkins where everybody could stock up on weapons, and in order for this plan to be successful, eddie would need some kind of disguise.

"please give him the michael mask." delilah whispered to max.

"i'm one step ahead of you, lilah."

so to make a long story short, eddie stole a van. uh. there's no way of formally describing that.

"there's no way this is real. i mean, first eddie steals this van, and now we've got steve driving?! we really need to pick a struggle here..." delilah chuckled to max.

"HEY! I HEARD THAT!" steve yelled back, in a very obviously joking manner.

"let's hope delilah doesn't throw up on this bus," eddie laughs. this comment prompted delilah to pick up a pillow and chuck it at his face, making everybody laugh.

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