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AFTER THE events of the previous day, delilah walked her happy little ass to eddie's place to A) update him on what happened, and B) because she wanted to spend some time with him.

she gently knocked on the door, not wanting to wake him up just in case he was asleep. her heart was still racing after her experience with vecna, or as she liked to call him, the foreskin thing.

eddie opened the door, happy to see his newly found friend. from the very beginning, he could tell there was something wrong. he had never seen her that distressed. "shit, dee. you look like you've seen a ghost," he chuckled.

"not exactly. try vecna." delilah tried her hardest to maintain a happy-go-lucky attitude, but eddie could see her beginning to crack. and before you know it, delilah is sat down in eddie's house sobbing into his shoulder, telling him everything that happened that night.

"and do you wanna know the funniest thing? that abba song you hated ended up being the thing to save me." she laughed, wiping away a few tears with her sleeve. "so that's one point for me and zero for you, doofus."

"okay, you win this time!" eddie smiled. "but i'm glad you're okay. at least physically. i know we just met and i'm kind of not supposed to be interacting with anybody, but i'm always here if you need me, okay?"

"thank you, eddie. i really appreciate it." delilah found herself genuinely smiling for the first time in weeks? maybe months? the point is, she felt like she could be herself with eddie. she did not need to conform to any of society's expectations on how she should be healing, or how she should be spending her spring break.

as the two continued their joke fest, delilah felt a true adoration for eddie building. one she could not get rid of no matter how hard she tried. she... liked him. like... more than a friend.

"ok, not to interrupt our comedy session, but i'm gonna have to request a food delivery, 'cause i'm getting real damn tired of spaghetti-os," eddie laughed. delilah nodded, happy that she would be seeing her friends again.

a few hours later, both delilah and eddie realized that this "delivery" was not coming any time soon. "y'know what, i'm taking the boat."

"eddie, let's be rational here. you aren't supposed to even go out in public, let alone hop on a damn boat."

"well yeah, but how else am i gonna get my beer?"

"that's true. okay, i'll go with you."

the two eventually hop into the boat, paddling away to wherever the waters could take them. at some point, they stopped right near lover's lake. oh, the irony.

leaning against the boat, delilah looked at eddie with a playful glint in her eyes. "eddie, i've got a truly hilarious story from my childhood for you. so, when i was a kid, i had this totally irrational fear of bats."

eddie's eyes widened, clearly intrigued. "bats? seriously?"

delilah nodded enthusiastically. "oh yeah, it was like a phobia. i'd freak out whenever i saw one, thinking they were out to get me or something."

eddie chuckled. "that's wild. so, how did you end up conquering your bat-phobia?"

delilah's grin grew wider. "well, there was this one unforgettable day. we were having a family picnic in the park. my dad chose the perfect spot under a massive tree. we were all sitting on the blanket, enjoying our food, when out of nowhere, a bat swooped down."

eddie leaned in, clearly captivated by the story. "and then what happened?"

"i lost it," delilah admitted with a laugh. "i let out this epic scream and was ready to bolt like the wind. but here's the best part: right when i was about to make my great escape, the bat... pooped."

second chances? | eddie munson x fem! ocWhere stories live. Discover now