(11) getting it off my chest (beach week pt2)

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Idk what to put put here except for that ik that I already have grammar and spelling mistakes. But still feel free to comment where they are so I can fix them eventually. Also this chapter is gonna be pretty long.

"At the beginning of the summer." I started. "You know when we went to the beach and everything." I continue. Levy nods her head. "Before we left I made up a lie to go watch the sunset, and natsu came out to come see what was taking me so long." I pause again as I'm still nervous to tell her. "It was the sunset and me and natsu where talking." I pause one last time as I get to the main part of this conversation.

"Me and natsu kissed." I tell her. "WHAT!" Levy says a little to loud and puts her hand over her mouth. "Me and natsu talked about it and we both said that it wasn't supposed to happen." My eyes start to tear up. "I know I agreed, but I really do like him and saying that it was a mistake." I pause. "It just didn't feel right, it's like I stabbed myself in the heart and wasn't able to get the knife out." I say.

"It felt right, but at the same time I felt guilty." I tell her." "I mean I haven't even known him that long, but it feels like I've know him my whole life." "I say and my voice cracks more from me trying to hold in my tears. "Oh lu, why didn't you tell me sooner." Levy says to me while giving me a hug. "I mean you guys are perfect for each other, and I mean I would be sad to if I said my first kiss with the person I like was a mistake." Levy says to me.

"Just let it out, no need to hold the tears in." She says. "Scream if you need to at this point, all I care is that you let it all out and get this off your chest." Levy reassures me. "Thank you for understanding lev." I say crying. "You're probably tired, get some rest and we can come up with a confession plan, or if you're not ready to confess we can find ways for you two to slowly start flirting and stuff like that." Levy says while hugging me.

"Thank you lev, really I mean it." I say giving her a hug. We hug for awhile and then I get ready to fall asleep.

But I can't sleep I stay up for hours thinking about what to do and how Levy redacted. I guess what I wanted to hear her say was "he was a jerk for saying kissing you was a mistake and if I were you I would have taken way longer to forgive him." But I can't control what people say and she still said part of what I wanted to hear.

I finally get some sleep that night. I wake up to natsu in the same bed as me. Why did I forget that me and natsu have to share a bed. *sigh* It's fine as long as he doesn't try anything. What time is it? 10:37. Should I wake natsu up, hmm. I don't know? First I'll get up to see if anyone else is awake.

I open the door to see everyone sitting on the living room. 'Morning lu!" Levy waves to me. "Morning!" I say. "Are we going to the beach today or no?" Mira asks everyone. Everyone just shakes their shoulders. "How bout we let natsu decide." Gajeel says. "Go on lu, wake him up." She winks at me.

I head back in the room and sit on the bed. "Natsu. Hey natsu?" I whisper. "Mmm, luce let me sleep." Natsu groans. "Come on the others want you." I tell him. "Well tell them to want me later." He turns over. "Natsu." I say. "Fineeee." He groans. Natsu gets up and heads out the room with me.

"Finally you guys took forever." Gray says rolling his eyes. "Don't blame it on me, natsus the one who didn't wanna get up!" I say. "Anyways, natsu are we going to the beach today?" Erza asks. "Why are you asking me?" Natsu asks. "Because we all can't decide." Levy says. "Uh sure we'll go to the beach." Natsu says

Everyone gets up and goes to their rooms to get ready. "Natsu, wait outside while I get ready. You can get ready after me." I tell him, stopping him in front of our room. "K, but don't take long." He tells me. "I won't." I say closing the door.

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