(18) The perfect gift

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I love when Nalu fanfics add cute little parts where natsu goes out of his way to do things for Lucy.

Natsu pov

After getting off the phone with Lucy I immediately went to gray. "Gray!" I said opening his door. "What do you want." Gray said sounding annoyed. "What should I buy Lucy for her birthday?" I asked. "Why're you asking me?" He says. "Because you have a girlfriend and you get her stuff all the time." I say. "That's different,why don't you ask levy or erza." He suggests. "Okay!" I say going back to my room. I grab my phone and text levy.

N: "Hey levy Ik this is random but what should I get Luce for her birthday?"
Lev: "I'll go ask her what she wants!"
N: "okay ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ"
Lev: "she said she wants, jewelry, stuffed animals, and anything that you think she'd like."
N: "okay, also do you think I should take her to the aquarium or a picnic on her birthday?"
Lev: "def an aquarium, plus there a gift shop there ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ"
N: "thanks levy!"
Lev: "yep np!!"

After me levy stopped texting it was already late so I decided just to get ready for bed. I lied down on my bed and when my head hit the pillow it still had the smell of Lucy on it, just faint though. I cleared my head and went to sleep. Lucy's birthday is in a week so that gives me time to shop and prepare for our day out.

"Natsu wake up, it's already 1." I hear from my door way. "So what, I have nothing to do anyway." I groan. "Did you say you had to do something for Lucy's birthday?" Gray asks me. "Shit you're right." I say getting out of bed and slowly walking to my laptop. I open it up and search up the name of the aquarium near us to buy tickets. "So, what happened did you two already make up, or are you still working on it?" Gray asks as I'm getting the tickets. "Oh yeah we made up in the span of like 2 days, you're so smart." I say. Gray rolls his eyes and walks out of my room shortly after. I look online for something and I find the cutest stuffed animal that kind of matches the one she got me for Christmas. I add it to my cart and look online for jewelry stores near me especially ones with pretty earrings. Though I should probably ask legs if she prefers gold or silver, but I don't think I've ever seen her in gold.

N: "hey levy, sorry to bother you again, but Lucy prefers silver over gold right?"
Lev: "yeah."
N: "k, thanks."

I see one that's in the mall that has super pretty earrings. They also look more dainty, which she likes. I drive to the mall and go to the jewelry store. I look around and find the perfect pair, heart studs with little crystals. I go to check out. "For your girlfriend?" The cashier asks me. "Ah no, just for a friend." I say. "Well I, sure after this she would probably like to be your girlfriend." She winks at me. I laugh and tell her thanks. I walk back to my car and on my way back to my room I run into Lucy. "Hey natsu." She says. "Hey Luce." I smile while hiding the bag behind me. "Well I gotta go grays waiting for me." I tell her as I rush to the elevator. I get back to my room and put the bag on my desk. I order the cat that was in my cart and it says that it will come in a few days. I look around my room for something to do because I'm nervous. I sit on my phone to pass time but it's not going as fast as I'd like it to. It's only 10 and yet I'm exhausted. I plug my phone in and turn off the light to go to bed.

A few days later

It's Lucy's birthday tomorrow so I have to finish getting the gift ready. I go to the store and get a bag a blank card and pink envelope, also some stickers to decorate it. I get home and put everything in the bag with some tissue paper. Now all I have left to do is write the card, the only problem is what do I write. I think and think but nothing comes to mind. The only words I have written down are "Happy Birthday Lucy" and there probably won't be any words added to it anytime soon. I read through our text to get an idea, and all I could think of is "Happy Birthday Lucy, though we've only know each other for not even a year you're one of my closest friends. I enjoy talking to you so much, and spending time with you" after that my mind is blank. I feel that I have to write more because when she gave me my birthday gift her card was a whole letter. I could always ask gray or gajeel but they write differently to juvia and levy, they're dating. I sigh, I tap my pen and think even more. I stare off at the wall and space out in thought of what to write. I feel like I'm never going to finish the card at this point.

I stretch and get up to get a snack. Maybe I'm just too hungry to think. Yeah, that has to be it. I eat and go back to my room. Still nothing. "Gah!!" I yell in frustration. "Dude what the fuck." Gray says opening my door. "I can't think of anything to write." I groan. "How about you just tell her how much you love her." Gray says. "Not funny." I tell him. "It's not a joke, I mean she already knows you like her." Gray tells me. "We're still working it out." I say. "Working what out, you two are fine and the apology already helped so what else is there to work out!" Gray exclaims. "You just don't understand." I sigh. "I'm the one with a girlfriend." He says as he leaves my room.
(AN) I wonder if all Nalu fans agree that he calls her Luce instead of Lucy or if it's just some?
Word count: 1075

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