Christmas special!! (Pt 1)

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Christmas special because why not plus I'm gonna do a little time skip after this. Also making this two parts. Also Ik it's a random kinda thing but I wrote this around Christmas soo.

"Hey Lu, are you gonna do secret Santa with everyone?" Levy asks me as we were watching tv. "Ya sure!" I say smiling. "Okay everyone is gonna come here tomorrow and we're going to draw names from a hat, about that do you have a hat?" Levy asks while she was informing me about the secret Santa procedure. "I think so want me to go check?" I ask. "Yes please!" She says. I get up from the couch and go to my room. Hat, hat, where is a hat? I look in my closet to find an old beanie that I don't even remember bringing with me. I grab it and go back out into the main room where levy is waiting. "Found it." I say. "Thanks lu!" Levy smiles as she grabs the hat from my hands. "Do you think we should clean because it's not that dirty here but I don't really feel like cleaning." Levy says. "How about we just see tomorrow and if we don't clean before they come oh well." I tell her. It got pretty late so I just took a shower and went to bed.


I wake up pretty early and start clean the place so it wasn't super messy. Levy wakes up short after I start cleaning and helps me. "You should have woken me up, I would have helped you more." Levy says as I throw some trash away. "I just thought you wanted to sleep more, you know k didn't want to bother you." I say smiling. "Well next time wake me up." Levy tells me. "Yes ma'am!" I say putting my hand to my forehead. We both laugh a little and finish cleaning. By the time we were done cleaning we had about 2 hours to get ready, so we had time. I sit on my phone for an hour and then start to get myself ready. I get dressed and do my hair, I then wait on the couch for someone to knock on the door. Just as I was getting comfortable on the couch someone knocks on the door. I get up and open the door. "Hey Lucy!" Mira says with juvia next to her. Soon after erza comes followed by gajeel a minute later. "You think natsu and gray got into another fight." Juvia says. "I wouldn't doubt it." Erza sighs. Levy let's out a little chuckle and I roll my eyes.

Not long after that conversation a knock on the door is heard. I get up and go to the door seeing none other than natsu and gray, who everyone had been waiting for. "Hey luce!" Natsu smiles at me as I stare at the two. "Hey, come in everyones been waiting on you two!" I laugh. "Gray you were starting to make juvia worry. " Juvia says greeting gray. "Sorry, natsu decided to take forever." Gray rolls his eyes. "I TOOK FOREVER! You were the one doing your hair in the mirror for 30 minutes!" Natsu yells. "YOUR THE ONE WHO KEPT ASKING MY OPINION ON AN OUTFIT!" Gray yells back at natsu. "WELL YOU WERE CHECKING YOUR PHONE EVERY FEW MINUTES WAITING FOR A TEXT!" Natsu continues the yelling. "OKAY WELL AT LEAST I HAVE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO TALK TO ME!" Gray yells. "YEAH WELL AT LEAST I'M NOT ALWAYS WITH MY GIRLFRIEND!" Natsu yells. "AT LEAST I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!" Gray yells back. "I COULD HAVE A GIRLFRIEND IF I WANTED TO, I JUST DON'T WANT TO DATE ANY OF THE GIRLS THAT ASK ME OUT!" Natsu yells again continuing the fight that doesn't seem like it will end anytime soon. Everyone besides gray and natsu look at each other because none of them has said another word yet. "This is stupid, fighting with you is pointless anyway." Gray says finally and lets out a sigh. "Yeah whatever, you just don't know what to say back." Natsu says instigating another fight. "Also that-" I glare at natsu cutting him off. "Never mind." Natsu says. "One last thing natsu, I don't want you in our dorm tonight." Gray says. "I can be in there if I want to!" Natsu says slightly louder. "Plus, can't you just stay in juvias dorm if you don't want to see me after this that bad." Natsu continues. "Why can't you just stay in Lucy's dorm, that's where you are half the time anyways!" Gray says at the same volume as natsu. "Only because you kick me out half the time!" Natsu says. "So? Why can't you just go to gajeels dorm or something instead of going to a girls dorm!" Gray says. "Yeah, like gajeel wants me in his dorm!" Natsu rolls his eyes. "If Luce didn't want me in her dorm then she wouldn't let me in, so she obviously doesn't care that much!" Natsu says. Gray looks at me, and I'm assuming he wants me to clarify what natsu said was true. "If you want my opinion I really don't care if natsu comes to my dorm, there's nothing to really do any ways." I say.

"How often is he here Lu?" Levy asks me. "I think at least once every two weeks." I say hesitantly. "And I don't even notice!?" Levy asks surprised. "I honestly thought you knew and didn't care." I say. "I just don't know how I don't hear him." Levy shakes her head. "See gray, you're just mad because I have somewhere to go when you kick me out." Natsu brags. "Yeah whatever." Gray says back.

"Now if you two are finally done we should actually enjoy ourselves instead of fighting." Erza sighs. "Agreed!" Levy cheers. "We should play Pictionary." Mira suggests. We all look at erza. "That's fine but after we're play monopoly." Erza says. Everyone writes something down on a piece of paper to draw and it gets put into the beanie I gave levy the other day. "How about we have Mira go, since she is the one that suggested the game." Juvia says. "Okay, but don't get mad if you can't tell what I draw." Mira laughs. She pulls a paper from the hat and reads it. She grabs the marker and starts to draw. "A dog!" Natsu says. "What about a garden!" Gajeel says. "Water?" Gray says not very confident. "A box!" Levy says. "Hmm, a house?" I question. "Yep!" Mira says. "How is that a house!" Gray says in shock. "Gray dear, don't be mean." Juvia says. We play till everyone guesses and draws, and I won pictionary. Just like erza wanted we played monopoly that game lasted hours. The winner of that was levy, erza was definitely disappointed.

"God it's already 7." Levy says surprised. "We should probably pick out our secret Santa then." I suggest. "Okay let me right the names down on paper levy says as she grabs tiny sticky notes to write names on and fold. She throws them into the hat and shakes the hat violently. "Who wants to choose first?" Levy asks. "I will." Natsu states. Natsu reached his hand into the hat and slowly pulled a name out. He unfolded it and read it to himself, as he was reading it I saw a small smile overcome his face. "Who next?" Levy asks. Juvia walks up and pulls a name. This procedure goes on till I get to pick the last name. I grab the name out of the hat and slowly unfold it and read it to myself. "Natsu".

(AN) I wrote this like a month after Christmas so it's not exactly a Christmas special and it's probably going to get published way after Christmas.
Word count: 1303

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