Chapter 9: Return

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You can rest assured living in Yan Wang Mansion as long as you want.

This sentence seemed to be echoing in Lin Wei Xi's ear, she stared blankly on the spot. After she came to her senses, with straight face said: "No"

Gu Hui Yan's expression didn't changed, but hidden deep in the eyes an inexplicable inquiry: "Why?"

What could Lin Wei Xi said, could she said that 'your son is actually my husband in my previous life, and your soon to be daughter-in-law is my shu younger sister?' Lin Wei Xi had suffered enough by those two people, and now she still had to return with another identity?

Lin Wei Xi refused to even think about it: "Your Highness, this is not appropriate. I am not a relative of Yan Wang Mansion. If I live in the mansion for nothing what does it look like? And your new daughter-in-law is about to enter the house, and I as an outsider to live there, how can she not mind?"

Gu Hui Yan looked at Lin Wei Xi, with calm eyes and faint smile: "If I say you can live with ease then you can, if people speak out of turn, it doesn't matter who it is, you come to tell me."

'It doesn't matter who it is.' Hearing this Lin Wei Xi's back felt chilled, Yan Wang meant Gao Ran, right? That's right, a lone woman without a father and mother living in other people house indeed equal to adding a lot of troubles. It was excusable for the mistress felt unhappy. Lin Wei Xi had been a daughter-in-law before, so she understood this. But if the person that spoken was Yan Wang, he said can then it can, others just need to endure any trouble.

Lin Wei Xi suddenly sighed, it seems not too long ago she still worked hard managing Yan Wang Mansion's housework. Man at the front to be well-off, man at the back was exhausted, to break the silver teeth and swallow the blood . But in the blink of an eye. She turned from the worrying person into the privileged person.

The world was really wonderful, and the root of all this was just a word from the person in front of her.

Lin Wei Xi sighed for a while, and finally shook her head: "Your Highness, your kindness I appreciate it my heart. But I just wish to live a peaceful life, free of illness and disasters throughout one's life. Yan Wang Mansion's status is too high, it's unsuitable for me."

"Unsuitable for you? Why do I think you just don't want to go?"

Lin Wei Xi felt unspeakable pressure. This was Yan Wang, when he spoke there was no slightest amount of arrogance, his laugh sound like moving water, like you step on shallow water beach, made people felt refreshed, but soon you realized that you had been wrapped in the deep sea, the surface was as calm as before, but when it was ready it could set off terrifying waves. Lin Wei Xi now was the one who submerged in the water, over and over again.


Lin Wei Xi secretly scolded herself as a pig's brain. She was stumbled once yesterday, why was she fell again today. In the end she put on the air of a rural little girl resisting to stay at a high gate, deliberately rude and said: "I went to the capital when I was ten years old. There are many carriage and people in the capital. What people wear casually on the street are comparable to the village head's family. But at that time when I was extremely ill, with so many people on the street, none of them stopped by to ask and even drove me and my father away. I don't like that place. Besides, you are Yan Wang, don't look at you talk nicely to me now, but it's definitely will not the case when you return to your mansion. I can't even live in my aunt's house, let alone living in Yan Wang Mansion."

Gu Hui Yan ignored the little girl's delicate and sensitive moods. He restrained his imposing manner and said gently, "Don't be afraid, I will take you back. What happened when you were ten years old will never happen again. Moreover, there are few people in the mansion, and I only have one son. Although he is not sensible, he is unlikely to embarrass you. You just stay in the capital. If you don't like other people to disturb, then I will find you a separate courtyard in the mansion. You have the final say in the manpower arrangement. As for food and clothing expenses you don't need to worry about it. Your spending money will come from my personal accounts, and I will give you whatever you want. No one will come to point their fingers at you."

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