Extra 2: Yan Land's Record

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Yan Wang with his wife and daughter stationed at the northern gate of the dynasty, and also intimidated the Jurchen, Rong Di and other tribes who were itching to move beyond the border. Gu Cheng Yao stayed in Beijing, firstly, to secure the Emperor's heart, and secondly, it also meant to not leave the power center.

Wan Yue in Yan land didn't know much, only vaguely heard that Gu Cheng Yao lived simply deep in the capital, did not participate in political party' gatherings, and had few banquets with friends. Gu Cheng Yao had no trouble on his own, and there was Gu Hui Yan's accumulate power to intimidate. No one dared to hit Yan Wang Mansion. Only Yan Wang Mansion could watch the fire from the vortex torrent, high and mightily stand still.

It's really embarrassing to say that the three auxiliary ministers back then were all top-notch figures under the sun. They were well-known in their respective fields, but in the end, only Gu Hui Yan alone who get through unscathed.

Until today, the First Assistant was Shen Changzhou, and as before he extremely respects Yan Wang.

Before she knew it, her thoughts ran away. Wan Yue retracted her mind and said to Rui Yang, "Junzhu, you should read the book."

Rui Yang didn't care. She slid off the chair while Wan Yue was not paying attention, and ran out: "I'm tired, I'm going to find my mother."

In the main courtyard, Lin Wei Xi was replying to Liu Su Niang.

Since she left the capital, it had been inconvenient to communicate with each other, and the intersection between her and the people in the capital had inevitably weakened, but the contact with Liu Su Niang had never been interrupted. Later, Shen Changzhou entered the cabinet and became the First Assistant. The Shen family husband and wife's attitude towards her had not changed.

In Su Niang's letter, she mentioned the current situation not without worry. Although Shen Changzhou was accommodating and cautious, the disagreement between the emperor and the court officials was intensifying day by day, and gradually he couldn't compromise between the two parties. When First Assistant Zhang still there, everyone felt that Zhang Xiao Lian was monopolizing the power, until replaced with themselves, only realize First Assistant Zhang's ability.

Lin Wei Xi sighed quietly after reading this.

After staying in the peaceful Yan land for a long time, she almost forget the changeable nature of political situation. In the past few years, the capital suffered unceasing wind and rain, it was unknown how the people could still be alright.

Lin Wei Xi had just finished writing a page, and in the middle of freshening her brush she suddenly heard the sound of footsteps outside. There was no need to guess the identity of the person, because from a distance, her voice already loud: "Mother, I am back!"

Lin Wei Xi's face couldn't help but change into a smile. As soon as she stood up, Rui Yang slammed into Lin Wei Xi's arms, and then acted coquettishly to make Lin Wei Xi hug her. Lin Wei Xi picked up the chubby daughter and sat on the Luohan bed: "Why did you come back so soon? Has the Thousand Character Classic finished?"

Rui Yang blinked and said nothing, Lin Wei Xi already understood: "You ah, you are lazy again."

Rui Yang put her arms around Lin Wei Xi's neck, almost hung the whole person on Lin Wei Xi's body: "I don't understand a few words, mother teach me."

When Gu Hui Yan came back, he saw Lin Wei Xi and Rui Yang sitting in front of the bookcase, bowing their heads and talking. There were two sets of writing equipment, one large and one small, on the wooden table, even the ink stones were placed side by side.

Gu Hui Yan's eyes became soft all of a sudden, the maids inside and outside greeted "Yan Wang" one after another. Gu Hui Yan walked in slowly and asked with a smile, "What are you looking at?"

When Rui Yang heard the sound, she immediately shouted "Father", then opened her hand, wanted Gu Hui Yan to hug her. Gu Hui Yan held his daughter in his arms and looked at Rui Yang's round cheeks carefully: "Rui Yang is still so light. Eat more."

"Eat more." Lin Wei Xi stood up and went around Gu Hui Yan to pick up Rui Yang from his hands. "If you eating more, I won't be able to hold you anymore. You haven't finished your task today, come here."

Rui Yang hid in Gu Hui Yan's arms, giggling and avoiding Lin Wei Xi's hand. Lin Wei Xi was still strict and was about to forcibly grab her back, but another person held her hand.

"She is only three years old, and it's not too late for her enlightenment to be delayed for two days."

Lin Wei Xi raised her head and stared at Gu Hui Yan: "You are proudly spoiling her, is there a father like you?"

Seeing his father stopped her mother, Rui Yang cleverly slid from Gu Hui Yan's arms to the couch, then turned around and climbed out of the couch, and ran away without wearing her shoes. Lin Wei Xi was so angry that she wanted to chase her, but Gu Hui Yan laughingly hugged her from behind: "It's already late today. You can give her a day off."

Wan Xing and Wan Yue had already taken the maid out to put the shoes for Junzhu, and the wet nurse also waiting outside, Rui Yang would not have any mishap. Lin Wei Xi was relieved with Rui Yang's whereabouts, so she devoted herself to educating this classic example of the benevolent father in front of her: "Which three years old child is not start the enlightenment period. Last year I said that I wanted to teach her to read, you can't bear it. Now you are more a hindrance than a help."

Yan Wang, who could scare off foreign enemies by his name alone, was now powerless when criticized. Gu Hui Yan let Lin Wei Xi scold him and admit the charges one by one: "It's me who is not good, don't be angry."

"How can I not be angry." Lin Wei Xi struggled to free her waist, and when she found that she couldn't escape, she bitterly beat Gu Hui Yan's chest, "Let go, I have to write back to Liu Su Niang."

Lin Wei Xi originally had a slender and exquisite body, since giving birth to her daughter the waist was still slender, but the area that supposed to be plump was much more plump. Now the two of them were very close, Lin Wei Xi made a strong struggle, and twisted her waist to break free from Gu Hui Yan's arm. Gu Hui Yan only felt that the waist on his palm was too full to grasp, incredibly soft, it felt warmth and smooth like jade on his hands. Slowly, he thought about something else.

Gu Hui Yan controlled Lin Wei Xi's two hands that always making troubles with one palm, and the other arm was wrapped around her waist, earnestly fumbling up and down: "Your waist is really flexible."

This man's hand movements were so unruly, on the contrary his expression was serious and calm, as if he was discussing something serious. Lin Wei Xi was so angry, unfortunately her wrists were controlled by him, wanted to resist was impossible: "Frivolous, let me go."

Listening to Lin Wei Xi's curse was an enjoyment, and in this kind of situation, there was even more unspeakable taste. Gu Hui Yan smiled and held her up: "Okay, let's go inside and say."

"What time is it now, I still haven't finish writing my letter."

Gu Hui Yan put her on the bed. Lin Wei Xi half propped up her body and wanted to get up, but just halfway up Gu Hui Yan had already leaned down, Lin Wei Xi was blocked by his chest and could only retreat. However, this posture tested her waist strength, and it didn't take long before she fell back on the bed again.

The world in front of her suddenly fell into ambiguous dimness. With her breathing in confusion, Lin Wei Xi heard him whispered in her ear softly: "Xi'er."

Because the pronunciation of these two words is the same, when he was clear-headed Gu Hui Yan didn't call her this very often, but changed into other scenes, such as between the sheets, he liked to call her like that.

Oh, man.

"Rui Yang is three years old, and it is time for us to add a younger brother and sister for her."

Lin Wei Xi fell into the soft silk quilt, didn't know whether from hot weather or something else but her cheeks were already blushing. Lin Wei Xi was always restrained on bed matters, most of the time it was Gu Hui Yan who took the initiative. Just when Gu Hui Yan thought that today was the same as usual, Lin Wei Xi suddenly stretched out her arms around his neck and exhaled gently on his ears: "I heard that it seems women are more likely to conceive if she is on top."

As for if it's true or false, they could only investigate it by themselves.

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