Chapter 36: Couple

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Gu Hui Yan's emotions were hard to describe. But he was only surprised for a moment and suppressed this unnecessary mood swings. Gu Hui Yan did not have the habit of saying whether the dead was right or wrong, and he didn't want to mention these things in front of Lin Wei Xi. His expression remained the same and calmly changed the subject: "You haven't eaten all this time?"

Lin Wei Xi sat opposite Gu Hui Yan and looked up at him strangely when she heard these words: "Yes, how can I leave you behind and eat by myself? How can such a thing happen."

"Your health is not good so you need to pay attention to your diet. If I get stuck by something, you can eat by yourself first, don't wait for me."

Lin Wei Xi was a little unhappy, and said quietly, "Wangye, you don't want to eat with me, or think I'm annoying, so you send me away?"

Gu Hui Yan frowned and said, "What are you thinking? I'm just afraid you will be starving."

"It's not fine." Lin Wei Xi lightly snorted and said, "If that is the case, then I even want to wait for Wangye. I am your wife, sleeping together and eating together, that's what a wife is."

Lin Wei Xi's mind was full of thoughts about how to be a qualified wife. Gu Hui Yan felt a little helpless, but there was also a thread of strange feeling in his heart. It was a common thing for him to postpone eating, and it was also common for him to be too busy to eat, but at this moment he understood that it would be different from now on. If he didn't come back, this silly girl would have to wait forever. Her health was not good and if she eats irregularly, afraid it would be even more unbearable.

Gu Hui Yan concealed the throbbing in his heart quite well, when he faced Lin Wei Xi he always seemed to relax easily. Gu Hui Yan unconsciously smile: "Why are you so obsessed with the word wife?"

This was all because Gu Cheng Yao and Gao Ran. In the book of heaven, Gao Xi was a complete loser in all aspects of submissiveness, heirs, and managing the household. Compared to Gao Ran she didn't even have one good point, basically a counterexamples of what a successful wife should be. On the surface Lin Wei Xi didn't care, but in her innermost heart she also doubted herself.

So now, Lin Wei Xi was obsessed with becoming a "qualified" wife.

Lin Wei Xi remembered the evaluation of herself in the heavenly book, and somehow recalled Bu mama's words a while ago. The smile on her face couldn't help but fading: "It's nothing, just fulfilling my promise. Wangye, you married me because of my unreasonable actions. For this I am endlessly grateful, and I will definitely return the favor many times more. Just as I said that day, as long as Wangye treat me with the courtesy of the principal wife, I will do my best to repay Wangye. There's nothing else I can do except being Wangye's housekeeper, just regard this as a payback."

Gu Hui Yan was amused by her words, this girl actually took it so seriously, and really wanted to become his housekeeper. Gu Hui Yan smiled and said, "Then I will rely on you from now on."

Gu Hui Yan knew that he had been away from the mansion for many years, the order in the mansion was a complete mess, but alas the whip could not reach (too far to control). Gu Hui Yan really had no time to manage, so these people kept on going. Now he finally could stay in the mansion for a long time, and the moths in the mansion should be beaten. He had the intention to remind Lin Wei Xi with a few words, but then he thought that he would be looking after her this period of time. For now there was no need to tell her in case it scared her, just help her when she really encountered something.

Seeing Gu Hui Yan's relaxed expression, Lin Wei Xi smiled sadly in her heart. Since listening to Yan Wang's past story she felt like she couldn't step in, she just stay from a distance, and tried her best with her responsibility as a wife. Thinking of this, Lin Wei Xi took the opportunity to inquire about Gu Hui Yan's daily habits and hobbies while the table still being set. Lin Wei Xi only realized last night that the disparity between their habits was not small. In the future, the two of them will live together, so they must inquire about each other's habits in advance.

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