Chapter 75: Young Man

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Lin Wei Xi was so immersed in the memories of the past that she could hardly extricate herself. Suddenly the carriage bumped into something and stopped.

Everyone in the carriage were shaken for a moment. Wan Yue reacted quickly and immediately supported Lin Wei Xi: "Wangfei, are you alright?"

Lin Wei Xi recovered from this accident. She withdrew her thoughts and calmly shook her head: "I'm fine."

After Wan Yue confirmed Lin Wei Xi's safety, she immediately became angry with the driver. She lifted the curtains, her eyebrows frowned tightly, her face serious: "You are so brave, that's how you drive the carriage? If Wangfei have an accident, can you afford it?"

Of course the coachman couldn't afford it, he himself was in a cold sweat till his back was wet. If Wangfei was hit even a slightest bit, then Yan Wang would never spare him.

The coachman smiled dryly and apologized to Wan Yue. With great difficulty letting the maid beside Wangfei to calm down. The coachman turned his head and immediately changed his face. Shouted with a fierce look: "You don't want your life? Your life is worthless, if you disturbed the nobles of Yan Wang Mansion, even ten of you still can't afford to pay."

Lin Wei Xi frowned, the coachman was too domineering. Lin Wei Xi was planning to let Wan Yue go out to stop him, when suddenly she heard a polite, neither servile nor overbearing voice from outside the carriage: "It is this little one who was wrong, the student Gao Ke, the clan's grandson of the Duke Yingguo, shall apologize to Yan Wangfei. Hope that Wangfei will forgive my presumptuous sin."

The surname was Gao, but if he lives outside, then he was from the side branch of the Duke Mansion, and looking at his family situation, afraid it's still a bit far off side branch. When Lin Wei Xi heard this voice she felt it was interesting. She saw a young man in a green shirt standing in front of the carriage through the gently swaying curtain. Looking at the age it seems to be fourteen or fifteen, the clothes on his body was a little worn-out, but even if his clothes were old, his demeanor was still eye-catching.

If it was just because of this, it was not worthy to catch Lin Wei Xi's attention. Now she didn't know how many young generations with outstanding demeanor she saw every day. This young man stood on the street with a strong personality, but if he was placed in the world of nobles it was nothing more than that.

What's really interesting was that this young man said to apologize, but his body was still firmly stood in front of Lin Wei Xi's carriage. Although he was a good distance away, but he virtually blocked all of Lin Wei Xi's road. Lin Wei Xi found it interesting. This young man just said "forgive his presumptuous sin", in the end it refers to what?

Lin Wei Xi sat steadily in the carriage, without the slightest intention of talking, very calm. The coachman originally thought to have someone teach this boy, then their carriage could leave. But Wangfei did not speak, so the coachman did not dare to make suggestions, without better option he had to rein the horse in place.

This young man named Gao Ke didn't let Lin Wei Xi wait long before he continued: "Today's collision with Yan Wangfei is really disrespectful, but there is only this chicken in my family. The widow's sister-in-law and young nephew are still counting on this hen's eggs to nourish their bodies. This little one really can't just sit idly by."

Just now, the carriage stopped abruptly because Gao Ke rushed to the front of the carriage. He throw himself ruthlessly enough, if the coachman in the mansion was not well-trained and reacted quickly, afraid the boy would have been caught under the horse's hooves. After Gao Ke finished speaking, the hen that he said very important, no matter what couldn't have any mishap, poked its head out from his hand and clucking.

Lin Wei Xi was a little speechless. When she saw the books scattered on the roadside, she suddenly became interested: "Zhoubi Suanjing? You looks like a scholar, but you are still interested in Zhoubi?"

Gao Ke glanced in that direction and said, "Do not dare. Just take a look one or two in some spare time."

Lin Wei Xi smiled and said casually: "You actually have plenty of time."

"If a person don't have to manage your livelihood, then he will have plenty of time. Unfortunately, the widow sister-in-law is not in a good health, the nephew is also young, and the family business is too difficult to make a living. If it's not for this little one have a good memory, afraid that this year's Autumn Exam will not be able to participate."

At the age of fourteen or fifteen, shall participate in the country examination, it was already very young. Lin Wei Xi faintly felt that this was the purpose of this young man, and she asked, "Good memory? Could it be that you never forget?"

"Cannot be said to never forget. If read twice, can remember the general idea."

Lin Wei Xi was astonished when she heard this, Gao Ke said that he could only remember a general outline, but if he dared to say it, it would be more than that. Lin Wei Xi suddenly wanted to test it, so she let people opened the carriage's compartment, took "Six Secret Teachings" from Gu Hui Yan Bookshelf and handed it to Gao Ke. The art of war was a monopoly resource. Looking at Gao Ke's clothing and family background, he would never have access to such books.

After Gao Ke took it, he saluted to Lin Wei Xi. He slowly turned the page over and read a dozen pages. He closed the book and said, "Showed one's ugliness." As soon as the voice drooped, Gao Ke recited the "Six Secret Teachings" from the beginning. From time to time he paused naturally, spoke not too fast not too slow, and there was no lag nor difficulty. In a blink of an eye, he recited three pages of the book.

At first, Wan Xing was very hostile to this uninvited guest, but when she heard this, Wan Xing exclaimed: "Oh my God, only read it once, actually remember it all."

Lin Wei Xi was also amazed. It seemed that Gao Ke not only a genius in mathematics, he even had a surprisingly good memory. No matter which family such a genius was placed in, it was bound to be the trump card cultivated by the clan. Lin Wei Xi thought of the family situation that Gao Ke had deliberately disclosed to her just now. There were only widow sister-in-law and young brother's son in his family. The nephew had to be supported by his little uncle. Obviously Gao Ke's parents were no longer there. And the eldest brother had a son, and the inheritance would fall on the nephew in the future.

Lin Wei Xi's heart suddenly moved. Such a background was simply the best candidate for adoption, not to mention that Gao Ke had good memory and extremely talented. If possible, he would be fight over by the adoptive family.

These thoughts were only a flash, Lin Wei Xi said lightly: "Alright."

Gao Ke's voice stopped, he retuned the book of war with both hands, and said: "Yan Wang's God of War name had shook the four seas, this little one is fortunate to read the handwritten comments of His Highness Yan Wang. This little one is ignorant of the art of war and does not understand its meaning. Make Yan Wangfei laugh."

Lin Wei Xi was a little embarrassed. She just casually took a book, and the handwriting on it was obviously not from a woman. However, it was handed out from Yan Wangfei's hand. Think about it also aware whose handwriting it should be.

Gao Ke also sighed in his heart that book with Yan Wang's handwriting were precious and he actually saw them so easily. It seems the words that Yan Wang was very indulging to the new Yan Wangfei was not groundless.

Because of this, Gao Ke added "Let Yan Wangfei laugh" at the end. Yan Wangfei conveniently picked up Yan Wang's book of war, presumably she was also taught by Yan Wang in private. Gao Ke really didn't dare to evaluate the military skills of the young Wangfei in front of him.

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