Chapter 28: Maiden

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Lin Wei Xi declined to no avail, and returned to her room with a thick stack of gift lists.

The gift booklet divided into two copies, one of them was the betrothal gift from Yan Wang, and the other was the dowry prepared by Grand Princess Shou Kang. Perhaps it should be three copies, and the other one was the reward given by the court to Lin Yong. Lin Yong passed away and the property was inherited by his only daughter Lin Wei Xi. These were originally hers. Neither Yan Wang nor Princess Shou Kang intended to let her use them.

The three gift list booklet were stacked together and quite thick. Lin Wei Xi picked a copy casually and turned it over.

What she picked was the dowry prepared by Princess Shou Kang. Princess Shou Kang listed in the booklet was very detailed, the box furniture, four seasons brocade, gold and silver utensils, from color to material to pattern were clearly recorded, even the gold ware had multiple marked next to it. Obviously, Princess Shou Kang was afraid that Lin Wei Xi would be cheated of her dowry in the future, so she would rather write it all out.

Lin Wei Xi followed the list, looking carefully and slowly. She saw a lot of familiar things on the list, including the dowry of her mother Wei Shi, and some of her back then.

Yes, Grand Princess Shou Kang from the beginning of preparing the dowry, and later demanded Duke Yingguo Mansion to return it, the Princess mansion could only sighed. But apart from ripped open the wound again, it actually did not have any use. These furniture and boxes were first built in order to make red makeup (dowry) for their daughter and granddaughter. The two passed away one after another. Things that once filled with festive feeling piled up in the warehouse, made people who looked at it feel sad. Grand Princess Shou Kang was very old and she did not have a younger generation, who else could it be given to? It would only be a cheap ancestor hall a hundred years later.

But destiny had its own way, Lin Wei Xi appeared soon after. When Princess Shou Kang saw Lin Wei Xi, she instinctively reacted 'can't go wrong, this is it!' Princess Shou Kang had found a spiritual pillar, and soon took Lin Wei Xi as her own granddaughter.

Now Lin Wei Xi was about to get married, marrying Yan Wang to be a consort, conveniently became Gao Ran's mother-in-law, Grand Princess Shou Kang woke up laughing from her sleep several times. In any case, there was nothing else to say, Princess Shou Kang was happy, she had to let Lin Wei Xi get married grandly, and the dowry would be beyond the reach of the people in the capital within ten years.

Princess Shou Kang was worried that Lin Wei Xi would feel taboo, after all, these were dowry from her predecessors. The female officer next to Princess Shou Kang deliberately told Lin Wei Xi that all the gold and silver jewelry of Wei Shi and Gao Xi were melted to make a new ones. The boxes and carrying case were all made with first-class good wood. Wood could be used for many years. The red paint would be repainted. The remaining porcelain, incense burners, vases, etc., if she did not like it, they could replace them with new ones.

Of course Lin Wei Xi felt that it didn't matter. The dowry was not a coffin. It was originally passed on from generation to generation, so there was no taboo. What's more, Lin Wei Xi didn't say a word, but she would love to see her mother's relic again.

Grand Princess Shou Kang felt relieved seeing Lin Wei Xi not complaining. Lin Wei Xi was sitting in the boudoir with subtle fragrance floating, put down the dowry list prepared by Princess Shou Kang, and picked another one.

This was Lin Yong's reward. Lin Wei Xi had read it countless times and had already memorize it in her head. In fact, there was not much that can be used in Lin Yong's things. The court only gave a few ingot silver on a schematic basis, with the words Department of Supervision branded on them. Absolutely not able to spend them. The remaining ritual objects that represent the title Marquis, Lin Wei Xi also did not dare to take it out to melt it. As for the imperial decree and Jin Shu Iron Deeds, there were no other use except for display.

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