Extra 3: Cannot Get What One Ask For

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The winter in the capital was always dry and dark, later than youshi (5-7pm), even couldn't see figure in the courtyard clearly.

Gu Cheng Yao sealed the letter with the sealing wax and set it aside. He stared at the majestic and solemn Yan Wang Mansion emblem above, and suddenly fell into a deep sense of melancholy.

It had been three years since his father returned to the fief, and he had been wandering alone for three years.

On that day of departure, he followed the crowd to send off Yan Wang Mansion's carriages from far away. The banners were flapping around, after Gu Hui Yan said farewell to the palace envoy, he mounted Zhao Xue and lead great number of retinue from the imperial court to the north. There were so many eyes, Gu Cheng Yao certainly didn't have the opportunity to talk to Lin Wei Xi, he didn't even see her. He saw her carriage slowly started, and then merged into Yan Army torrent, and could no longer be recognized.

The carriage had moved for a long time, but Gu Cheng Yao seemed to still able to see the tassels on the carriage curtain swinging from side to side, lingering in front of his eyes.

He had this kind of thought about his stepmother, the righteousness and propriety of the past two decades had become a joke. Gu Cheng Yao struggled painfully for a long time, and he even thought about receiving other women to divert his attention. He took Yun Hui first. Later in half-awake and half-drunk state he saw a person who looked like Gao Xi, from then on, he seemed to be possessed and disregarding anything asked her from someone else's house.

But all the efforts he made in the end pushed the situation in a worse direction. He accepted Yun Hui, aroused Gao Ran's jealousy, and planted the root that cause a series of family disasters. He took Lu Niang, but Lu Niang's impetuous and foolish character made the house restless, even made disturbance in front of Lin Wei Xi

Lin Wei Xi, he chewed over these three words, slowly called another name in his heart.

Gao Xi.

He discovered that this matter purely by accident. In fact, he had never verified the authenticity of this idea. Perhaps everything was his wishful thinking. But Gao Ran's death gave him an unspeakable feeling.

This is real.

The two of them are really one person.

After the news of Gao Ran's death came out, the entire Yan Wang Mansion remained silent. Gu Cheng Yao didn't say anything. The servant asked him if he wanted to see Shizi Consort's body, but Gu Cheng Yao said no. He didn't know what he should do if he went and saw some traces that were too late to cover up, and not belong to the signs of a serious illness.

Although he knew that his father would not leave such a handle, he still did not want to face this scene. In the fourth year of Yuanjia, he watched Gao Xi leave, and now Gao Ran was also dead.

His feelings for Gao Ran were very complicated. When he first searched for her with the jade pendant, he was really caught up in the fanaticism and love at first sight idea. He felt that he had fallen in love deeply with this woman. This was their destined marriage, so no one could stop them from being together.

Many years later, Gu Cheng Yao thought, maybe at the time he was not in love, he was just moved by himself.

He found this woman and got married with enthusiasm and expectation. However, Heaven's Will was just like that. If Heaven didn't want him to find her, then don't give him hope from the beginning, he wouldn't receive the jade pendant, and he wouldn't send the jade pendant to his father. Why after he found his wife, he was told ruthlessly that he found the wrong person.

This truth was undoubtedly a big deal for him at the time. Although Gao Ran was standing in front of him, Gu Cheng Yao couldn't hear anything anymore. He didn't even know how he left Duke Yingguo Mansion and how he returned to Yan Wang Mansion.

That night, he went to find his new wife. He asked her, why are you lying to me?

Gu Cheng Yao didn't know what kind of answer he wanted to hear. At that time, Yan Wang's Shizi was young and his life was always smooth sailing, could not bear any sand in his eyes. How could he tolerate his new wife deceived him like this? At that time, he thought, maybe Gao Xi also had difficulties, maybe she would cry and admit her mistake. What if she cried? Women's cry was always troublesome. If at that time Gao Xi could not be coax, maybe he also could forgive her...

However, he didn't see any scenes he imagined. Gao Xi just looked at him strangely, with unspeakably calm and confident expression: "What are you talking about?"

She deceived him, but didn't have any remorse.

Gu Cheng Yao was furious, and since then he deliberately ignored Gao Xi. In the beginning, Gao Xi often sent people to invite him, the maid, the young manservant, the cook...all kinds of names were there. But didn't know since when, this kind of things disappeared.

Gao Xi began to erect thorns all over her body. She rectified the rules of the mansion, aggressively replaced the old slaves, and repeatedly targeted Yun Hui and Bu Mama, deliberately confronting Yun Hui. If such words were passed on to Gu Cheng Yao's ears, naturally it could only add more dislike. Indifference and misunderstanding had the tendency to remain unchanged. Once the gap was opened, then it would be more and more impossible to return, and the two could only become more and more unfamiliar.

Sometimes in the dead of night, Gu Cheng Yao asked himself, just because of one sentence, why did their husband and wife get into such a situation? Since he asked that question, he never said a complete sentence to Gao Xi again.

However, when the sun shines in the east the next day, Gu Cheng Yao still couldn't pull down his face to find Gao Xi. Indifference was the best mask. Gradually, the mask and the flesh become one, and even its owner couldn't take it off.

Countless times Gu Cheng Yao wanted to return to that time, to tell himself at that time, because you have never experienced loss, therefore so ignorant and fearless. Cherish the present and never squander other people's love. Because it's very likely that after such delay, you will never see it again.

When Gu Cheng Yao saw Gao Xi again, it was the day she was buried.

He thought he didn't care, he thought he loathed and hated her, but when he saw Gao Xi's face, his heart was caught off guard, violently pulled out into a lump.

Gao Xi has died, she has died. But how could she die?

She had let him down, she occupied the position of his destined wife, so she should make up for him for the rest of her life. What's the point of her passing away early like this?

Later at the funeral, his father-in-law, Duke Yingguo Shizi, made a cryptic apology to him. Perhaps everyone thought that Gao Xi was competitive, her woman's virtue was lacking, so she could not invite her husband's love. Even Gao Xi's father was able to apologize to his son-in-law with a sad expression at his only di daughter's funeral, and then offered to marry another daughter.

Gu Cheng Yao didn't know who he should be angry to, who he should blamed. At that time, he really thought it didn't matter who become his wife. Gao Xi was dead, so what was the difference if it changed to someone else? Perhaps getting everything fixed was the best solution.

In the first few days Gao Ran married him, her gentle and considerate nature, her agreeable and cautiousness were indeed very suitable for Gu Cheng Yao. No one would dislike this kind of woman who was in line with the scholar's ideals, and Gu Cheng Yao gradually got used to it. He deliberately treated Gao Ran very well, and his patience was far higher than the previous marriage. Everyone said that the new Shizi Consort was very favored by Shizi, but Gu Cheng Yao knew it was not.

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