Chapter 50: Copying Punishment

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Gu Hui Yan didn't understand where her strong distrust of the person next to her pillow came from. He could only moderate his tone and say, "Today, how you handle things is very good. I'm not in the mansion all year round. The rules in the mansion can't help but loosen. I planned to deal with these people for you. But because you just got married, I'm afraid that doing so will scare you, so I didn't mention it. I didn't expect them to make trouble in front of you in the last few days."

Hearing Gu Hui Yan's words, Lin Wei Xi's shoulders unknowingly loosened. Yes, this was Yan Wang, not Gu Cheng Yao. She didn't have to worry that when she took a lot of trouble to check and balance the servants, she would be criticized coldly by her husband after returning. Lin Wei Xi finally laughed, her tone unconsciously had a little probing: "Wangye, don't you think my approach today is too cold?"

"How could that be?" Gu Hui Yan chuckled, beckoning Lin Wei Xi to sit next to him. He run his palm through Lin Wei Xi's soft long hair and said, "The rewards and punishments were clearly defined, and the powers and responsibilities were consistent. You are doing the right thing. The more mature and trusted the old servants, the stricter we should be with them, otherwise it will harm others and themselves."

Lin Wei Xi was always accused of being cruel and unsympathetic when she was in the Duke Mansion. After marrying, her husband also said that, and gradually she began to doubt herself. Now finally heard from another person's mouth something different. Yan Wang gave her such a high evaluation, Lin Wei Xi immediately let go of the knot in her heart, her expression also relaxed a lot, and her eyes were bright: "It's good that Wangye doesn't blame me."

"It's me who should be blamed." Gu Hui Yan saw his little girl's eyebrows soften, the nervousness on her face disappeared, and a little smile appeared deep in her eyes, "I promised to marry you, but I didn't deal with the mansion in advance. It's my fault for you to face such a mess."

"How can I blame you?" Lin Wei Xi smiled as she said this. She tried to leaned her shoulders on Gu Hui Yan, and found that Gu Hui Yan did not react, so she put her body weight on him with confidence. Neither of them spoke, but the atmosphere in the room was very warm.

The contrast between the present and the past was so sharp that Lin Wei Xi was so sorry for her past self, but also felt a lot of emotion towards the father and son of Yan Wang Mansion. Gu Cheng Yao's life was superior since he was a child, but the old Yan Wang died early because of illness, and Yan Wang was busy with war. Gu Cheng Yao had not been in contact with a lot of male elders, so he was always pampered by the women in the inner house. Because he was the center of the world since he was a child, when he grows up, he still judged others with his own way of thinking.

But Gu Hui Yan was different. He became famous too early. At the age of 30 he was already at the top of the dynasty. Those who were qualified to sit with him in a banquet were all old men in their sixtieth. Among the three auxiliary ministers, Gu Hui Yan was almost First Assistant Zhang's son generation. Because he assumed the expectations of his family, fief and even the whole army too early, Gu Hui Yan's sense of responsibility was unexpectedly strong. And he spent his half-life as military horse, of course, approved with the army's strict and impartial style of doing things. Although Gu Cheng Yao and Gu Hui Yan were father and son, the gap in values ​​was huge.

Lin Wei Xi's stubborn and fierce character, being with Gu Cheng Yao, was indeed a disaster.

Gu Hui Yan looked at Lin Wei Xi's slightly lost in thought profile, his eyes narrowed, his voice remained the same: "What are you thinking?"

Lin Wei Xi regained her senses. She covered her lips and coughed, and said, "It's nothing, thinking about Bu Mama's matters, somehow got carried away."

Gu Hui Yan didn't ask further, since she said it was Bu Mama's matters, then it was the old servant's matters. But Lin Wei Xi was still leaning on his body, and Gu Hui Yan would not allow her to think about other things. He sat back, took Lin Wei Xi's shoulders into his arms, and said, "In fact, you don't have to work so hard. If you want the financial power of the mansion, you can tell me."

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