Chapter 98: Pearl

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After the midwife said this, the maids in the courtyard was obviously panicked: "Wangye is not in the mansion, who should be invited over?"

Wan Yue came back to her senses, and hurriedly said, "Hurry up and call someone at Grand Princess Shou Kang Mansion. The grand princess has a lot of knowledge and must have an idea. There is also Lady Liu of Shen Mansion. She already gave birth to two children, should also know what to do."

"But night curfew is soon, we may not have time to go out now..."

"That's enough!" Lin Wei Xi experienced another labor pain, and now her face was white. There were fine beads of sweat on her forehead, her face was bloodless, and one look everyone knew the pain was severe. Lin Wei Xi almost used all her willpower to say: "It's late, don't bother grand princess and Liu Su Niang. In the mansion the stuffs for giving birth have been prepared since a long time ago. All the stuffs that should be there are readily available, the two midwife are also experienced old-timer. You all will listen to the midwife's words, just deliver the baby like this."


Gao Ran was imprisoned in the Buddhist hall, and Yan Wang was not in the mansion. Now Lin Wei Xi was about to give birth. All at once the people who could make decision in the mansion were gone, it's understandable for the maids to be panic. Fortunately, Lin Wei Xi was very strict with them. Even on this occasion, the maids ran around to bring scissors and to boil hot water, they were nervous but orderly, and none of them appeared chaotic.

Gu Cheng Yao was studying in the study as usual. Today, for some unknown reason, he couldn't calm down for a long time. He heard the maids running around outside with loud footsteps. Gu Cheng Yao opened the door and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Wangfei is suddenly in pain and now is about to enter the delivery room."

Gu Cheng Yao was taken aback. Why no one told him about such a big thing? Did Lin Wei Xi plan to do it by herself?

Gu Cheng Yao hurried to the main courtyard. He and Lin Wei Xi were about the same age. When the stepmother gave birth, it was strange for him as the stepson to come over, but human life is beyond value. How many women went back and forth to the gates of hell during childbirth, and then did not get through. Compared to Lin Wei Xi's safety, avoiding suspicion was nothing.

When Gu Cheng Yao arrived, he happened to see Lin Wei Xi walked into the specially prepared delivery room supported by people. Even at this time, Lin Wei Xi insisted on walking by herself and refused to lie down easily. Gu Cheng Yao's lips moved, his hand lifted a little, and then put it down again. Lin Wei Xi was his stepmother, and his younger brother or sister would be born soon. What qualifications did he have, and what position did he have to tell Lin Wei Xi not to be afraid.

Since Gu Cheng Yao appeared, the maids who were running around in the courtyard obviously became more confident. Although Gu Cheng Yao could not decide anything about Lin Wei Xi's matters, but with a master standing in the main hall, the people felt a little bit reassured. Standing in the courtyard of the early spring, for the first time Gu Cheng Yao felt that times flies so slowly.

He was only eighteen or nineteen years old. Although he had two marriages, they had not lasted long. He never experienced the battle of childbirth. He only heard that women giving birth were very dangerous, if the baby's fetus was not good, it could cause dystocia, hemorrhage, etc. However, these few words he heard before further aggravated Gu Cheng Yao's panic.

The sky gradually turned into a dark blue color, and the blush color in the west could not be seen anymore. The evening in March was particularly comfortable, the wind was moist and cool, with the faint fragrance of magnolia. In the eyes of the scholars, this was probably a poetic leisurely spring night that makes people feel prosperous. But Gu Cheng Yao didn't notice the outside world at all, his mind was all ahead. The movement in the delivery room was really not optimistic. The shouts and running footsteps were endless. Just listening to it, Gu Cheng Yao thought that she must be in pain.

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