Chapter XI - Planning or action?

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POV Akiyama

Entering the room, I see that everyone is already here.

Hashimoto was the first to speak. "You've come at the perfect time, Liar King."

I'm 3 minutes early, good to know...

Pulling one of the chairs I sit on one of the seats, before Amikura starts to say.

"Well, since Shinichi-kun is here, that means we can get started." She lets out a cough. "How about we introduce ourselves?"

"Amikura." I called her. "I think everyone in this room already knows each other." Everyone nods.

Our group is grouped by.

Class A - Hashimoto, Kito and Naoki

Class B - Amikura and Yuki

Class C - Azuma and I

Class D - Ishizaki and Hondou

"Err... Well, I guess you're right..." She nervously sits up from her seat.

"Well then what do we do?" asked Yuki beside me.

"Well, we in Class A don't plan on doing anything, though. Kito and I don't mind joining in on your pranks." Hashimoto declared.

"..." I just watched them with a cold and wary look.

"What do you mean 'Pranks'?" Yuki growled irritably

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"What do you mean 'Pranks'?" Yuki growled irritably. "This is a private points exam, right? Wouldn't it be good for all of us to take result 1?"


"Hahaha! You're right, but wouldn't that benefit the VIP more than the group members?" Hashimoto asked, leaning back in his chair.

"You're right, but that would be a win-win, am I right? After all, everyone will win points." Yuki argued.

I just looked back and forth between Yuki and Hashimoto, before reaching out with my cup and accidentally dropping it on the floor.


Everyone starts looking in my direction, taking advantage of this I analyze their expressions...

Closing my eyes I say. "No need Yuki." I picked up the glass from the floor and placed it on the table, opening my eyes I continued. "I already know who the VIP is."

"...?!" Yuki and Amikura look at me in bewilderment.

"What?! Is this serious, King?"
Questioned Hashimoto, he looks nervous.

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