Chapter 10

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Elenore had been locked in the hotel room all day, she felt as though if she were to step outside the media would swarm her, and she was not in the mood for it. She how ever really wanted to talk to Charles, she had to get all of this off her shoulders. So she decides to text him. 

Hey, are u at practice or are u free?

She felt weirdly calm like he would maybe be okay with the thought of her and Lando. He made her really happy and Charles would like that. Right?

Just finished, heading back to the hotel now. How so?  

She was a bit shaky, however, she knew that the sooner she told him the better. 

I kind of want to talk to you, can I come to your room? 

You are freaking me out, but sure room 307. I'll be there in 10

It's now or never she thought. Her hands were sweaty and she felt her stomach churn. But he couldn't be mad at her forever. She pulled out her phone, she had to text Lando. 

I'm going to tell Charles tonight, wish me luck.

It's going to go great and remember that after this there is no need for us to hide anymore <3. 

She smiled, he always managed to look at the bright side, even though she was quite sure that Charles would try to murder him, but that is beside the point. She threw on some clothes and out the door she went. This really was happening. 

She took a deep breath as she stood outside his door, readying herself for knocking on the door. With a shaky breath and sweaty hands, she knocked on the hotel room door three times, this is it.
"Hey, Cha-" but she stopped herself. Because it wasn't Charles who opened the door, it was Pierre. She hadn't seen him since that night and she really didn't want to see him now. 
"Oh, hey, El," he smiled. 
"I must have knocked on the wrong door, I am looking for Charles." She was ready to leave when he grabbed her arm. 
"He is in here, I just swung by to talk to him about," he cleared his throat, "you know." Yeah, she knew. He was here to tell him about the fact that Elenore had broken the biggest promise she had ever made to Charles, she had slept with Pierre.
"Please don't, let me do it." She swallowed and walked into the room. 
Charles was laying on the bed scrolling on his phone but when he saw Elenore he put it down. 
"You look horrible, is something going on?" He sat up. 
"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something," her hand was shaking and she felt nauseous. 
"Go on," his eyes narrowed. But before Elenore could say anything Pierre barged in, 
"I am so sorry mate, I know I promised you-" Elenore slapped his shoulder, making him shut up. 
"What have you two done?" Charles stood up, his entire presence had changed. 
"Charles, please, I-" 
"We slept together," Pierre blurted out and Elenore felt her stomach drop. 
"You did what!" Charles tightened his fists and his face reddened. 
"I am so sorry Charles, I-" Elenore's eyes started to fill with tears. 
"You promised me, Elenore," he looked at her, "You promised me and then you lied." He wasn't angry at her, he was disappointed. He turned to Pierre, "When?" Pierre started to stutter, Charles may not be mad at Elenore but he was furious at Pierre. "Did I stutter, WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN!" 
"Monaco," Elenore answered. Tears were streaming down her face. 
"Monaco? That night that you promised me that you wouldn't-" his face went soft, "I can't believe you." Elenore felt her heart break a million times, she had never seen Charles this hurt before. 
"I am so sorry-" Elenore was now sobbing. 
"Save it, I don't want to hear anything from you." Charles turned once again to Pierre, "I thought you were my best friend. But you lied to me, I texted you that night, begging you to just keep an eye on her and you promised to. But instead, you take her home and fuck her? Both of you disgust me." 
Elenore couldn't take it anymore, she had to get out of there. She ran, slammed the door behind her, and sprinted up the stairs. She could barely breathe between the sobs but managed to unlock the door and get inside the room. 
"El?" Lando was already home. Shit. 
"How did it go?" He got up from the bed and walked into the hallway. "Oh darling," Elenore was sobbing uncontrollably, barely being able to breathe. Lando hurried up to her and she collapsed into his arms. He sat down on the floor with her still in his arms. "It's alright," he said calmly. 
"No, it is not," she managed to speak through the sobs. She couldn't bring herself to tell him about Pierre. She knew it would kill him. 
"What happened?" Lando spoke calmly as he carefully stroked his hand down her back.
"I didn't tell him, but he is very angry at me," she sobbed. 
"Then why is he angry if he doesn't know?" Lando was confused, he had no idea what she was talking about. 
"I can't tell you, you will hate me." Elenore started to hyper ventilate.
"Nothing you say will make me hate you," he kissed her forehead. "You can't get rid of me that easily," he might have seemed calm on the outside but on the inside, he was panicking. What was going on and why was Charles so angry? 
"Lando I just can't," she dried her tears, "I can't tell you," she sniffled. 
"You are scaring me El, is there something wrong?" They made eye contact and Elenore placed her hand on his cheek. 
"Lando I promise you that this has nothing to do with you," she smiled weakly. 
"Are you sure? You are not leaving me?" His face was filled with concern. 
"Of course not," she smiled, "you really thought I would?" 
"I was starting to get worried," he laughed lightly. "But really, what happened with Charles?" 
"He just got really mad, that's all you need to know." Her smile disappeared. 
"Hey, it's okay, he can't be mad at you forever." He kissed her softly.
"I know, but it hurts me that I couldn't tell him about us." She looked down, "I am sorry." 
"Hey," he placed a finger under her chin, lifting her face. "Don't you dare apologize, we can continue sneaking around until you feel like you can tell him." She smiled. 
"What would I do without you?" She laughed lightly. 
"I don't know but your life would be quite boring," he kissed her. 
"Mhm," she spoke through the kiss. 

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