Chapter 15

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For the first time since Lando left, Elenore found herself nestled in her bed. Her nights had been spent on the couch or hunched over her computer, the absence of his comforting presence haunting every corner of her room. But the previous night had brought her a fragment of comfort – the embrace of her bed finally granting her a piece of the peace she so desperately craved. However, the peace was short-lived. The piercing ring of her phone tore through the stillness, ripping her from the arms of sleep. Heart pounding, she scrambled to answer the call, her groggy mind racing to understand who would be calling at this hour. And then she saw the name flashing on the screen – Lando. Panic mingled with guilt as she realized she had forgotten to call him last night."Mon amour, I am so sorry. I completely forgot-" she began, her voice threaded with regret, only to be interrupted."I miss you," his words hung in the air, heavy with an ache that seemed to transcend the miles between them. Elenore's heart clenched at the sound of his voice, her concern deepening."Lando? Are you okay?" Her voice, a soothing balm, carried her worry across the line. "Talk to me."
His reply came in a shaky breath, laced with tears.
"I miss you," he repeated, the weight of his longing noticeable even through the phone. Elenore's tears mingled with his as they both shared the pain of their separation.
"Oh, mon amour," she whispered, her voice trembling with the weight of her longing. "I miss you so much."
"I can't sleep," he confessed, his vulnerability laying bare the extent of his torment. The distance felt more immense than ever before. Elenore's heart ached for him, for the tears he had shed in the darkness, for the sleepless night he had endured, without her by his side.
"Lando," she breathed, "I wish I could hold you right now."
"I need to be with you," his words quivered, resonating with the depths of his desperation.
"Lando, we can't," Elenore's voice cracked, torn between her longing and the reality they faced. "The race is tomorrow."
"I don't care anymore, I need you," he confessed, his words heavy with desire. The image of him pacing his room, his heart in turmoil, painted a vivid picture in her mind.
"Mon amour, you have to stay," she pleaded, her heart breaking at his pain. The race, and their commitments – they all tugged at the delicate threads of their relationship.
"I know," he sighed, exhaustion evident in his voice. "But it's hard, Elenore. It's so damn hard." Elenore fought back her tears, her voice a tender whisper across the miles.
"I know, Lando. Just hold on a little longer. Tomorrow will come, and we'll be one day closer to being together again." She smiled faintly


As the night wore on, and Lando's breathing finally settled into the rhythm of slumber, a newfound willpower surged within Elenore. The weight of her silence had become unbearable, and the ache of their separation had reached its peak. It was time to take action, to bridge the distance that had grown between them. The morning light painted her room in soft hues, and with a determined sigh, Elenore knew she couldn't wait any longer. Her decision was made – she had to go to him, to Montreal, and she had to talk to Charles. The burden of secrets had become too heavy, and honesty was the only way forward. The thought of baring her heart to both the men she cared for brought a mix of anxiety and relief. She knew that facing the truth was the only way to mend the broken threads of their relationship. As Lando's breathing became a reassuring lullaby over the phone, Elenore grabbed her laptop and settled on her couch. Her fingers moved with purpose, typing out the words that had been simmering within her for far too long. She navigated to Google, her heart pounding as she typed the words "last-minute flights to Montreal." The results popped up on the screen, and she scrolled through the options, her eyes scanning for the earliest departure. There it was – a flight scheduled for that morning at 5:30 AM, a small window of opportunity that would bring her to Montreal just before the race was set to begin. She hesitated only for a moment before her trembling finger clicked the "book" button. The rush of adrenaline was palpable, and Elenore felt her heart skip a beat as she confirmed her decision. She was going to see him, to bridge the distance that had grown between them. She felt a mix of excitement and nervousness, the prospect of reuniting with Lando filling her with a sense of longing she couldn't ignore.Closing her laptop, Elenore returned to her phone, still connected to Lando. "Lando," she whispered, her voice laced with a combination of apprehension and determination. She turned to look at the clock, 2:41 AM. She had to get ready. But he didn't answer, he was fast asleep.  "I'll see you in 11 hours mon amour." And with that she hung up.

With a wave of activity, Elenore's apartment turned into a whirlwind of preparation. Clothes were hastily tossed into her suitcase, essentials gathered in a hurry, and in the midst of it all, her passport was snatched up and slipped into her bag. As she zipped her suitcase shut, a mix of excitement and anxiety bubbled within her. Sitting in the backseat of a taxi, en route to the airport, a wave of realization washed over her, she was really going to meet him. The city's streets passed by in a blur, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. It was happening – she was finally going to see him. Every longing, every ache, every sleepless night had led to this moment Her fingers nervously played with the strap of her bag, as the taxi sped along, she looked out of the window, her thoughts consumed by the image of Lando's face, his smile, and the way his arms felt like home.

Walking into the airport terminal, the bustle of travelers and the hum of announcements surrounded her. She checked in, her heart pounding as she watched her suitcase disappear on the conveyor belt. And then, she found herself at the gate, waiting for the call to board. Her entire body was filled with excitement, but also nervousness. She realized that for every moment that she got closer to meeting Lando, she was getting closer to talking to Charles. He hadn't responded to any of her messages since Azerbaijan and she knew that he wouldn't be accepting. But right now all that she wanted was to get it off her shoulders. No matter what he says she knew that Lando would be there. The thought of facing Charles's disappointment was daunting, but Elenore also knew that her heart belonged to Lando. No matter Charles's reaction, she had to be true to herself and to the love she had found. She took a deep breath, finding courage in the promise of reuniting with Lando's warm embrace.

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