Chapter 29

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A sharp, unexpected knock broke the silence in Lando's apartment. With a sense of intrigue and curiosity, he quickly made his way to the door. Opening it, he was greeted by the sight of the postman holding a rather sizeable box.
"Delivery for Lando Norris," the postman announced, sporting a friendly smile. Lando, befuddled and puzzled, responded,
"I'm not expecting a delivery." Nevertheless, he accepted the box, examining it carefully. There was no doubt about it; the handwriting on the address label belonged to Elenore. He signed for the delivery, his mind racing with questions, and carried the box inside.

The realization hit him like a sudden wave crashing against the shore. He stood there, box in hand, his thoughts a swirling tempest. Elenore had sent him something, but what could it be? For a fleeting moment, he pondered whether he should open it right away or let it remain a mystery. The curiosity within him, however, got the better of his restraint, and he decided to see what was inside. With deliberate care, he cut through the tape sealing the box, and opened the flaps. Inside, he found a carefully arranged collection of his belongings. As he sifted through the items, he began to grasp the significance of this package. It was more than just a collection of things; it was a symbolic gesture, a message from Elenore. It felt as though she was silently conveying, "Here, I'm letting go. It's time for both of us to move forward."The memories tied to these items flooded Lando's mind, and the scent of Elenore lingered in the air. It was as if these possessions were a portal to the past, reawakening emotions he had thought were long buried. He had believed he was past all this, that he'd never experience this level of heartache again. But as the box's contents surrounded him, he realized he had been wrong.

Those initial two months after the breakup had nearly shattered him. He had been unable to eat or sleep properly, and every time he closed his eyes, Elenore's image loomed, causing unbearable pain. But then came Luisa, like a beacon of hope in the darkness. Their relationship started as a friendship, a lifeline that saved him. However, as time passed, their connection deepened, evolving into something more. Lando had been certain he had moved on, too certain, perhaps. Yet, the box of memories from Elenore was forcing him to confront the emotions he thought he'd put to rest. It made him question whether he'd moved forward too quickly or if he'd ever truly moved on at all. He unpacked the box, revealing clothes, shoes, and his computer, something he'd been missing. As he opened the computer case, a piece of paper slipped out, bearing his name in Elenore's unmistakable handwriting. The envelope held a letter, and Lando's heart quickened as he recognized her script.

The sight of Elenore's handwriting filled him with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. What could she have to say, and what did it mean for their futures? Lando settled in with the letter, unsure of the emotions it would stir. 
"Amor, I'm home!" Luisa's cheerful voice rang through the apartment as she closed the door behind her. Lando scrambled to place all of Elenore's things back into the box and close it, determined to keep this part of his life separate from his new relationship.
"Hi," he smiled, standing up as Luisa entered the bedroom.
"How was your day?" she asked, walking up to him and planting a sweet kiss on his cheek.
"It was alright, how was yours?" Lando replied with a weak smile, his mind still somewhat preoccupied by the unexpected delivery from Elenore.
"Meh, it was boring," Luisa sighed as she lay down on the bed, her gaze wandering to the large box on the floor. "What is that?" she asked, pointing at the box. Lando hesitated, feeling a lump in his stomach. He knew he shouldn't lie to Luisa; she deserved better than that. But he wasn't ready to reveal the truth about Elenore, about the whirlwind of emotions her return had stirred. It wasn't fair to burden Luisa with this emotional baggage, especially when they had built something beautiful together. He couldn't let his past overshadow his present.
"Oh, it's just some things from one of my sponsors," he replied, casually shrugging off her question. He hoped Luisa would accept this answer, allowing him to keep this part of his life hidden for now. Luisa nodded, her expression relaxed as she accepted his explanation.
"Well, if you ever need any help with your sponsors or anything else, you know I'm here for you," she said, reaching out to hold his hand. Lando's body is filled with anxiety and guilt. He wished that he could just forget about Elenore, he really did. But something in his heart made it impossible. The love he felt for Luisa couldn't be compared to Elenore, he would always choose Elenore, no matter how much she hurt him. No matter what, he will always choose her. 

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