A 16-year-old boy with no memories about his past other than power and techniques, he is later adopted by a mage who finds the boy talented in magic arts. 3 years later on a late night, a stranger visits when his teacher is on a trip little did he k...
Light of the dawn laid over the city of Vesuvia finding its way through every window in the homes of everyone living there. Gojo had gotten up early to get ready for his departure to the palace.
Gojo: Sorry to keep you waiting.
Gojo spoke as he locked the door of the shop he already sensed the person in the alley in the middle of his sleep but didn't care and the fact that this guy waited for him for six hours straight was enough for anyone to know that something was going on. Gojo had his blindfold on to others it may seem weird or worried that he might not be able to see where he would be going but he was perfectly fine. There was a reason why he does this.
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Gojo: Why don't you come out or is that you're just shy?
The person stepped out of the alley shadows, he was bigger than Gojo, wearing weatherbeaten fur, covered in scars, he was wearing a collar around his neck with a broken chain attached to it, he was a rough-looking guy with dark green eyes with a stubble beard and a scar going down his left cheek.
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The person stood between him and the road to the palace.
Gojo: You wanna move?
The person spoke in a rough voice.
???: You are in grave danger
Gojo: Oh goody~ I was getting bored~
The stranger continued as if not bothered by Gojo.
???: He will return, uninvited. He will offer you a gift when you need it most...turn it away or you will fall into his hand...Just like the rest of us.
Gojo: All I hear is me getting a new punching bag the last one broke, So I guess this guy you're talking about would make a good replacement.
Gojo walked past the man after saying those words, there was a rustling of the wind and shuffling cloth and the man walked away.
Gojo: Hmm...Memory magic, huh?
Ignoring the warning Gojo walked the narrow, mossy steps to the marketplace. It's early yet and the marketplace is already wide awake. All around Gojo were the sounds of bartering, laughter, and vendor hawking their wares. A voice he knew far too well called out to him.