Chapter 14

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A scream echoed through the school. Gojo and many survivors heard it. 

Gojo:'I wanna see who's dying like that?'

Takashi, Rei, Saeko and Shizuka arrived at the scene. They saw Saya struggling to hold back one of those things with a drill.

Saeko: I'll take the right.

Rei: I am on the left. 

They quickly moved to kill the four moving corpses in the hallway. Rei jabbed one in the head, and Takashi smashed one in the head sending it flying. Saeko looked slightly impressed with them. She quickly took out the two in front of her. Saya was shaken as she killed one of the things. Kohta tried to say something but Rei ran past him and tried to comfort the girl. No one noticed one of the corpses sneaking up on Shizuka. By the time Saeko and Takashi noticed it was too late...or was it?

The walking corpse's head was crushed as Gojo appeared behind the nurse.

Gojo: Sup~

Saeko could only feel a smirk forming on her face while Takashi looked shocked. Shizuka turned when she heard the voice. Her eyes sparkled.

Shizuka: Gojo-kun! You're ok!

Shizuka hugged the taller boy and patted her head. The nurse gave a happy vibe that could lift the mood. 

Gojo: You should check on the brat, she's about to cry.

Shizuka: Oh right.

Shizuka broke the hug and made her way to Saya. Gojo walked toward Saeko and Takashi. He stopped and looked at Saeko.

Gojo: I knew you'd make it but you should have left your ward open like that.

Saeko: Thanks for not doubting my skills however what makes you think Shizuka-sensei was with me?

Gojo: You're the only one who would save her. 

Saeko smiled at him. She was taken by surprise when Gojo put a hand on her head and patted her.

Gojo: Good job.

The President of the Kendo club blushed slightly if she had a tail it would be wagging. Takashi witnessed the scene with wide eyes. The infamous ice queen of the school could also blush. Gojo looked up at Takashi. He took his hand off Saeko's head making her already miss the headpats. 

Gojo: Who are you brat?

Saeko punched Gojo lightly in the abdomen.

Saeko: Aren't you the one who always says that it's rude to ask for one's name before giving yours?

Gojo: That's my choice~

Saeko rolled her eyes in amusement. She turned to Takashi.

Saeko: I believe that you already know school nurse Shizuka-sensei, right?

Takashi nodded.

Saeko: I am Busujima Saeko from class three-A. This man here.

Gojo: Gojo.D.Asura, same class.

Takashi: I am Komuro Takashi from class two-B.

Rei stood up and introduced herself even if the others knew she just didn't want to feel left out.

Rei: I am Miyamoto Rei from class two-B. I am glad you are ok senpai.

Gojo: Wow. Just ok not even fine. Talk about not having empathy.

Rei: I will once you return me the money you owe me after leaving the bill to me!

Gojo: Never happening!

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