Chapter 3

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Inside the palace, the floors, walls and steep ceilings are all clean-cut polished stone. A servant with a blue feathered cap comes sweeping up to the two newly arrived people. With a deep bow, he passed Gojo and dashed to Portia's side.

Portia: Chamberlain. How are we doing on time?

Chamberlain: Terribly late! The fifth course is over! Her ladyship is in a most unhappy state!

Gojo: 'I wonder if she would have someone's head chopped off'

Portia chewed her lip and handed the servant the fruit basket, addressing him.

Portia: Have the sommelier fetch a bottle of the Golden Goose.

The servant departs at a hasty clip, disappearing behind a panel in the wall which slides seamlessly shut. Gojo's eyes could see the hidden pathways all over the palace. 

Portia: Too bad, I'll escort you directly to the dining room.

Gojo: Well I am hungry.

Portia: Of course, we'll feed you!

Gojo followed Portia keeping up with her purposeful strides. Soon the two were standing before a fine mahogany door. Portia opened the door leading Gojo inside. Rich scents of food linger in the air, unfamiliar and tantalizing.

Nadia: Ah, Gojo Asura. Welcome to the palace. Have a seat. You're too late for dinner I'm afraid.

Gojo: Nah~ I rather have a sweet dessert to fulfil me.

Nadia raised an eyebrow at his words.

Nadia: I did hear that you had quite the sweet tooth, guess the rumour of you eating a hundred sweets a day was true~

Gojo: I assure you it is a false rumour it is more than a mere hundred sweets a day but who's counting~?

Nadia chuckled slightly, bringing a glass to her lips and drinking deeply. Portia leads Gojo to his seat. Another servant removes what might have been his plate.

Nadia: I was beginning to think you had forgotten my invitation but...perhaps you are simply unaccustomed to travel?

Gojo: A more accurate answer would be me just enjoying myself.

Nadia: Oh~

Nadia put her glass down and Portia appeared at her side with a bottle enrobed in shimmering foil.

Nadia: Ah, Portia. How thoughtful of you.

Portia: My pleasure, milady

Portia filled Nadia and Gojo's glasses and the Countess took a sip out of her's

Nadia: A Golden Goose? A marvelous choice Portia

Reaching for his glass, Gojo took a sip of the was too sweet.

Gojo: Thanks Portia. I like this.

Portia: Your Welcome

Gojo looked at the strange painting before him. The scene is that of a meal shared among a host of figures with heads of beasts. The table is laden with small animals, provided by a central character with the head of a goat. Rays of gold glitter around its head, and its red eye were strikingly lifelike.

Nadia: Do you like it, Gojo? The painting.

Gojo: Do you want an honest answer or a pretty lie? And I am going to stop you right there and give my honest answer... It's hideous.

The Countess sets down her glass watching Gojo with an unfathomable expression. Nadia busted out laughing hearing the opinion.

Nadia: Hideous? My husband treasured that piece. It was one of his favourites. Though I suppose his tastes were rather strange.

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