Chapter 18

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After the massacre, Shizuka led the group to a nearby house. It was her friend's house which she took care of since the owner is overseas. Kohta was all over the car that was parked in the house. It was some kind of military car honestly it doesn't interest Gojo. He is more focused on thinking of a way to get back. He tried to banish himself. Since it sends the being to the place they originated from and since he only had the memories of the shop. It is correct to assume that he would be sent back to his world however it failed to achieve its result. He tried to use the magic Asra taught him for summoning and it too failed. Now, it was a real problem if magic and cursed energy failed to achieve the desired result.

Gojo sighed as he entered the changing room. He looks over his clothes. They were the only pair had on him at the moment. Snapping his fingers a toad was summoned. It knew what to do and off it was to complete its task. Gojo removed his clothes and wrapped a towel around his waist. Taking off his blindfold he looked at himself in the nearby mirror. His body was in its peak condition. Everything was the same besides a few light scars on his arms and abdomen. He put his blindfold on to the pile of clothes. He opened the door and casually walked in.

Saya: What the hell are you doing?!

He looked at a flustered Saya covering herself. The rest also looked very surprised. Saeko blushed as her eyes took every inch of Gojo's exposed body. Rei put herself in water as Shizuka giggled with a blush as she memorised Gojo's body. Everyone does notice his most striking feature that no one other than Saeko has seen. His bright sky-blue eyes would make every gem in the world look at them in envy.

Gojo: I am going to take a bath.

Saya: Well can't you see it is occupied!?

Gojo: Well glad to burst your bubble brat but you guys have been here for an hour. I for one am not interested in taking a bath in the river. So scoot over.

Gojo grabbed a nearby stool and sat next to the surprised girls.

Saya: Can't you wait till we are done?

Gojo: What? Never seen a man naked before?

Saya blushed red as she tried to deny Gojo's statements.

Gojo: Don't try to deny it. Teenagers do it all the time. Hell, I have caught Rei reading one of those male swimsuit model magazines. Even Shizuka had porn in the school's medical room.

Shizuka/Rei: You promised not to tell anyone about that!!

Gojo shrugged his shoulders as he looked at Saya who was even more flustered after hearing about the two.

Gojo: So calm your tits down.

Gojo leaned forward.

Gojo: Now which of these is a shampoo?

Saeko: It's the one with the lavender pattern.

Gojo: Thank's.

He began to ash his hair. As everyone heard Rei was doubtful of Shizuka's breast size.

Saya: Did we all need to take a bath at the same time?

Gojo: Thank goodness you decided to take one at the same time. I am not keen on taking a bath after a full twenty-four hours.

Saya: Hey!

Saeko: He is right.

Saya give glance behind her seeing Rei fondle Shizuka's boobs. She quickly turned around washing her hair faster.

Saya: I guess I can understand.

Saeko gained a mischievous look in her eyes. She turned the shower nob and sprayed Saya with cold water making her jump and squeal.

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