Chapter 22

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Three days had passed since Gojo had started to teach the quartet. Currently, he had them mastering the use of the cursed energy to increase their physical capabilities. He hadn't pushed them to find out their cursed technique. It would make them a one-time pony which was very disadvantageous for their current situation. He would usually create a black curtain at night that could camouflage them from the guards on patrol. Gojo knew the presence watching them every night before the group entered the curtain. It did nothing more than that.

Gojo: Enter.

Gojo was sitting in his room with a cup of coffee when the door opened. Gojo put the cup down and spared a glance at the woman who entered the room.

Gojo: You are not very good at spying.

Yuriko Takagi stood in front of him. She had long, light purple hair that wears her hair down her back and was much shorter in the front and pushed to either side of her face with purple eyes. She has a slender figure and dresses in a style that resembles the typical aristocratic attire which is a thin red dress, a white cloth wrapped around her arms and mid to lower body, and a silver necklace with a small charm on the front and lipstick. Looking at her Gojo would match her appearance to those of the nobility in Vesuvia back at home.

Yuriko Takagi: I assure you my actions were not meant to offend you.

Gojo: You should try better next time.

Yuriko Takagi: Next time?

Yuriko raised an eyebrow in feigned innocence. Gojo leaned back into the chair.

Gojo: Don't act naive with me woman. I am far from a fool.

Gojo's words were sharp in contrast to his relaxed posture on the chair. Yuriko was unfazed as she stood still.

Yuriko: I have a request.

Suddenly the air changed in the room. Yuriko's eyes widened as she began to sweat. it felt like boulders were placed on her shoulder as she struggled to stand upright.

Gojo: Your head is too high for someone making a 'request'

A mountain replaced the feeling of the boulders on her shoulder as Yuriko fell to the floor. She gritted her teeth as she tried to fight back against the pressure but it was futile. It felt like she would be crushed by the pressure. A pair of black sports shoes entered her vision.

Gojo: Go ahead. You have a minute.

Yuriko tried to catch her breath but her mind quickly brought up her request.

Yuriko: M-My dau-daughter.

Gojo: Thirty seconds.

Yuriko: I want you to gr-grant her prote-protection, plea-please!

The pressure was lifted from her shoulders and Yuriko let out a sigh of relief.

Gojo: Lift your head.

Yuriko dared to look at the sitting in the chair again as she pushed herself to her feet.

Gojo: You wasted her request. I am already teaching the brat to be strong.

Yuriko placed a hand on her chest trying to calm her beating her heart. The fact that her daughter would be safe was all that mattered to her.

Gojo: You only have one chance to ask a question.

Gojo warned her as he took a sip of his coffee. Yuriko looked at him with wide eyes. It was as if he read her mind.

Gojo: No I did not read your mind woman. You are just that predictable.

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