Chapter 13

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Gojo and Rei reached the kendo dojo the school had. Most of the students would have already left however Gojo sensed someone familiar inside. Rei opened the door and the two walked in on someone swinging a bokken. The person was in kendo practice clothes however they were not wearing any armour allowing the two to see familiar purple hair. 

Saeko: I am surprised that you came and you brought a friend.

The captain of the kendo team spoke. She stopped her practice and turned around. She got out of the ring and walked closer to the two.

Saeko: I am Busujima Saeko. Captain and the president of the Kendo Club.

Saeko bowed slightly introducing herself. Rei bowed back.

Rei: I am Miyamoto Rei.

Saeko looked at Gojo and smiled politely.

Saeko: I appreciate you coming here.

Gojo: I didn't do this for you. I am merely sticking to the only rule in my life.

Saeko: Oh my. May I ask what it is? If it's only one then it must be complicated.

Gojo: It is as simple as the air you breathe. I sleep when I want to sleep, eat when I want to eat, if I see an eyesore I get rid of it, If it entertains me I throw it a bone. 

Saeko: That's an interesting way to live.

Gojo: It's my rule after all. 

Rei: That's a weird way to live senpai.

Gojo: Doesn't matter. It's mine and mine alone.

Saeko: What if you meet someone who lives with the same rule?

Gojo looked at Saeko as if she knew the answer.

Saeko: Well then are you interested in joining?

Gojo: I'll throw you a bone.

Saeko smirked. Gojo gave his bag to Rei who sat on the sides. Saeko and Gojo stood in the ring both held a bokken in their hands. Saeko took her fighting stance while Gojo rested his bokken on his shoulder, his stance was full of openings. Rei who had been a part of the Sojutsu club could also see many openings in Gojo's stance. 

Saeko: Ready?

Gojo: Your move.

Saeko moved. She went for an overhead strike. Gojo raised his bokken to block, it was a faint. Saeko dropped her entire weight down and immediately went for a thrust with all her strength. No one could block such a thing however it was only limited to normal people. Gojo's bokken met Saeko's taking her by surprise. He did not push nor did he block. Saeko could no longer control her bokken and Gojo took control. Saeko could do nothing but hold on to her swords as Gojo kept going. With a slight move of his wrist, his bokken hit Saeko's so hard that she lost her grip on it sending it flying out of the ring and sending Saeko tumbling down. Gojo places his bokken on the neck of a shocked Saeko. Rei's jaw fell to the floor as she witnessed something that should not be possible. Saeko looked at Gojo with wide eyes. Saeko Busujima lost a fight!

Gojo turned to Rei.

Gojo: Rei. I am taking her to the nurse.

Rei snapped out of her shock.

Rei: Ye-Yeah!

Saeko: I am fin-

Saeko winced. She looked down to see a bruise forming on her hand. She was surprised at the sudden injury on her hand. Saeko felt herself being picked up. Gojo picked her up with one arm. He whispered to her.

Gojo: You got me interested Saeko-chan~

Saeko blushed slightly being called chan. Rei came jogging towards the two.

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