Chapter 5

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There was utter silence as everyone stared at the man you just walked in. His eyes covered in a black cloth made him look like he was blind but the truth of the matter is he could see far more than anyone else in the world. The silence continued but the atmosphere tensed as the man walked in.

Gojo: Yo~

Everyone sweatdropped hearing the man casually greet them after causing such a ruckus. The man walked closer to the doctor who had crashed on one of the tables breaking it. Gojo booped the doctor's nose causing him to groan in pain. 

Gojo: You still there doc?~

Julian: Why~

The doctor groaned in pain again as he questioned Gojo.

Gojo: Upsy-Daisy~

Gojo grabbed him by the collar and lifted him with ease.

Gojo: Let's get something to drink. What do you want?

Julian: Ummmmm.

Gojo dragged Julian to the bar sat him down and took a seat beside him. He called out to the bartender.

Gojo: One Ale for me and a cheap beer for the idiot doctor.

Bartender: Sure.

Julian: So What do you want to know?

Gojo: I have heard rumours and stories but I haven't heard your side of the story.

Julian: Before that I haven't gotten your name.

Gojo: Neither have I.

Julian: You already know me.

Gojo: I can say the same for you.

The doctor smirked at the magician. The bartender returned and up two mugs in front of the two one filled with sweet ale and the other with beer. Both took a sip from their jugs.

Gojo: Sweet.

Julian: Cheap.

Both laughed hearing the other. Gojo passes him the scroll he had taken from earlier. Julian's smile slid off his face as he opened the scroll and glanced at it. He looked at Gojo and questioned.

Julian: Where did you find this?

Gojo: On your desk in the library.

A look of pain flashes on Julian's face but it went as quickly as it came.

Julian: Well, it is a letter but you already knew that. Dear so and so.

Gojo: Dear sister.

Julian's eyes went wide as he looked at Gojo mortified. Julian stuttered.

Julian: Yo-You can read this?!

Gojo shrugged. Julian looked down and decided to read.

Julian: Dear sister it has been a long time since I wrote. Winter has come to the palace these marble floors are cold each morning.

The more he read the more Gojo observed that the doctor paused to massage his temples or pinch his nose. By the time he finished he looked drained the only thing holding him was the beer. He rolled up the letter and returned it to Gojo.  Absent-mindedly he reached for his jug and gulped down his drink in one go.

Gojo: So a sibiling, huh?

Julian: Yes my sister. I haven't seen her since she was this high.

Julian's fingers reached just slightly above the bar. He calls for the bartender and order another drink.

Gojo: These people don't seem too worried to be in the same room as the infamous royal killer.

Julian: No I won't worry. Folks around here aren't known to oblige to the wants and wishes of the palace.

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