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Natasha's Pov:

I'm sitting in my room preparing myself for my inevitable graduation, I should be happy I should be proud that I'm good enough to even survive this long.

But I'm not.
How can I be happy, when they take away my one chance at a family?
My one chance to be happy

My train of thought is interrupted by none other than general Dreykov himself.
He only comes in person when you're in trouble or if there's something really important going on.

"операция была отложена"
(Surgery has been postponed)
He says

"почему, сэр?"
(Why sir?)

"у тебя должен быть ребенок, у вас есть три недели на подготовку"
(You must have a child, you have three weeks to prepare)

And with that he turned and left the room

What the hell

           ———time skip———-

It's been 10 months since that day it had taken 3 weeks for them to create the embryo without the need of sperm cells and a week later the test was positive.

I'm currently 10 cm dilated and getting ready to push.
God it hurts, I'm an assassin I've been stabbed and shot and yet here I am about to cry over something as little as a baby.

"ты слаб пуш наталья"
(Push Natalia)

So I did
I silenced my screams, and the room was silent.
Until the same silence was replaced by the innocent cries of a baby.

My baby,
My Anya.

This is my first book idk how it's gonna go icl
Lmk if u have any recommendations

Also any Russian in this book is google translate so if it's wrong that's why

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