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Anya's Pov:

It turns out you can't be fake sick when your moms an ex-assassin.

"Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease don't make me go" I whine as I flop down onto the couch next to my mom

"You're going"she reply's not even looking up from her book

"Why do you hate me?" I say clutching my chest jokingly

"I love you"she says while laughing at my dramatics
"Come on you can't be late on your first day"

                —time skip—

"Alright Anya"she starts turning to me from the driver seat
"Please stay out of trouble and remember today you are not a trained assassin you're a normal 17 year old girl called Anya Williams"

"Williams really,You couldn't think of anything better?"I tell her

"No it's Williams okay?"
She says receiving a nod
"Have a good day, I'll be here to pick you up after school and I love you"

"I love you too mom"
I say whilst opening the car door

"Peter will show you around"
She shouts after Me

I turn around and give her a sarcastic thumbs up before making my way towards the crowded hallways.

After dodging about a hundred different people who faces were glued to their phones i finally make it to the office.

"Hey I'm new and I was told to come here"
I say in the most convincing American accent I could do

"Oh yes you're Anya Williams yes?"she says with the biggest smile I've ever seen


"Alright then Peter is just waiting for you over by your locker,here's your timetable and your locker combination and welcome to midtown high school"she tells me whilst passing me loads of paper and pointing me in the direction of my locker

"Thanks" I reply before walking towards my locker

When I finally get there peters stood leant against it with a book in his hand. I've seen Peter at the compound a couple times but he doesn't live there so we don't talk much

"Hey Peter"

"Hey Anya"he says moving from my locker so I could open it
"I'm pretty sure we have all the same lessons so you can hang with me today and unfortunately we have math first"

"Oh cool lead the way"I say closing my locker

"So did you want to go to school or did miss Romanoff make you?"
He asks

"She made me, I even begged but here I am"I tell him with a huff

"Well soon you'll realise that it's a good thing because it means you get to become best friends with me"he says nudging me with his shoulder

              ——time skip——

I'm sat in the cafeteria with Peter, MJ and Ned who I had met earlier texting wanda when flash(who I unfortunately also met earlier)taps on my shoulder.

"Hey Anya"he says and I give him a small smile in response
"So I'm having a party today and I think you should come, you can even bring your nerd friends too"
He tells me, now in the seat beside me

"Nah I'm good thanks though"
I speak, looking back down to my phone but before i can even unlock it it's snatched out of my hand by some random girl flash was with.

"Stay away from my man"
She tells me

"Who's your man"

"Flash obviously"she reply's

"Does he know he's your man"
I ask with a smirk

"Well no but h-he will"she explains stumbling over her own words

I let out a laugh "give me my phone, I don't want your "man""

"What this phone?"she asks before reaching forward and dropping it in some random abandoned cup of who knows what and walking away

"Bitch" I mumble

"What did you call me?"she exclaims

"Oh my bad" I start, clearing my throat " I said you're a bitch"I finish with a smirk

She looks likes she's about to lunge at me but the bell goes of signalling that lunch's over


Who new my first day could be so shit. My phones broken and I'm pretty sure the girl who's name I have now learnt is liz wants to kill me.

I open the door to my moms car and get in.

"How was school"she asks with a genuine smile that I had no problem reciprocating

"It was great, I did break my phone though"I lied

"Oh how did it break?"she asks

"I uh dropped it in a cup of water"
I explain

"Really"she says giving me an "are you sure look"

"Yep" I state, my palms sweating under her intense gaze


When we get to the compound I head straight for Wandas room. Not even knocking before walking in and throwing myself face down on the bed next to her.

"I take it school didn't go well"
She says with a chuckle, reaching to play with my hair

"No it was fantastic, incredible, superb"I tell her, my voice muffled by the sheets

"What happened"she asks causing you to sit up and cross your legs facing her

"Right so it was pretty average until lunch when flash Thompson came up to me and was like"I'm having a party you should come"" you ramble mocking flashes earlier statement

"He asked you out?" Wanda interrupted looking pretty angry

"Well yeah and-"

"What did you say"she interrupts again receiving a confused look she continues "when he asked you out"

"Well I was getting to that part, so he asked me to a party I was like nah I'm ok thanks tho. I even said thanks gosh and then this other girl liz came up to me and was all like "stay away from my man" and I was like who's your man and she was like"flash" and then whatever and I tried to end the conversation there and I asked for my phone and she dropped it in a random cup and now it's broken" you ramble on making a different voice for liz

"She broke your phone? Does Nat know?"she asks

"She's knows it's broken but she doesn't know how it's not that important.Liz is just a bitch and I think she wants to kill me now but I'm not too worried" I tell her laying back and dangling my head off of her bed

"You should tell-"she starts before i interrupt her
"That's right we should watch your sitcoms together" passing her the remote and standing and getting under the cover with her

"Sure no problem make yourself at home"she says sarcastically

"Oh my bad I'll just sit down there all alone,by myself,nobody to cuddle,all cold and alone and bored and alone and cold "
You exaggerate sitting up ready to move

"No No No you can stay" she whines pulling in towards her, receiving a laugh from me

Chapter 12 done

Next chapters gonna have more Nat in it and stuff like that

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