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Y/Ns pov:

I've been out for a couple hours now and I've got atleast 100 miss calls.
"Shit." I say looking down at my phone.
"What?" Wade asks
"Got to go home" I tell him standing up and dusting myself off
"Alright, take my number call me if you need me" he's says putting his number in my phone and passing it to me.
"Yeah I will bye" I tell him as I'm walking down the road.


I get to the compound and all the lights are off.
"What the hell" I whisper
"Jarvis where is everyone"
"They're all on the roof they seem to be in trouble ms Romanoff"
The ai replies

I'm about to speak again when I feel cold metal on the back of my head.
"на крышу, ничего не пробуй"
(Up to the roof, don't try anything)
The voice speaks behind me, pushing me towards the stairs

"Heyy, aren't you the one I beat during that whole sparing thing"
I ask
"Shut up" she tells me hitting me in the head with the gun
"Alright,alright"I say putting my hands up In surrender

Natasha's pov:

"She's not picking up" I tell Wanda, bringing my hand up to rub my eyes.
"I'm sure-" she starts before she's u interrupted by Jarvis
"there are multiple unauthorised heat signatures on the roof"

Before I can do anything a voice speaks up from behind me.
"Dont do anything you might regret Natalia. I already have your friends just surrender"

"Dreykov" I state
"Follow my friend up to the roof and we can finish this conversation with your friends"
He says before walking away

Y/Ns Pov:

"Do you have to be so aggressive gosh" I yell as the widow pushed me through the door to the roof
"Shut up traitor" she yells back lifting the the gun and shooting me in my leg

"Language" I hear from behind me
"She shot me in the leg"I shout back
"Okay достаточно!"

"Well that sobered me up real quick" I mumble rubbing the back of my head and finally looking around

"Oh shit hey guys"I say as I see them tied up and on the ground

"Y/n you need to go!" My mom tells me
"Come on let them go" I plead turning to look at Dreykov
"Why would I do that? I can kill all of them. They're surprisingly weak for the "worlds mightiest heroes"" he mocks

"What do you want"
Tony says
"I want what's mine! My widow!"
He shouts getting visibly angry
"She's not yours"mom speaks up
"She's not something you can own she a human being why can't you see that!"

"A human being whose killed more than she can count"he states smiling sickly at me
"Shut up" I tell him
"December 13th. Do you know that date" he asks the team
"Shut. Up." I tell him again clenching my jaw
"43 killed, 12 injured" he continues

I throw my head backwards into the widow behind me and flip her over grabbing her gun in the process and then going for the last few widows

"I said stop"
I shout as the last widow drops to the floor
"Or what huh? You gonna kill me? Go ahead go on shoot me"he shouts back grinning.
I go to pull the trigger but somethings stopping me.

"you can't can you" he states
"The chip" I mumble
"You forgot about it" he says reaching out to grab my face and laughing hysterically
"You want to betray me? Betray your home"he shouts before hitting me in the face.

I should probably have some sort of game plan but I don't. As he turns to speak to the avengers I pull out my phone from my hoodie pocket and text wade.

Need help avengers compound.

Now all I have to do is stall.

"You're kind of weak" I tell him with a smirk "I thought like since you're a psychopath that trains little girls to kill, you'd throw a better punch you know"

"Y/n what are you doing" the team shouts
"Yes y/n what are you doing? Do you want me to kill you" he asks
"You won't. do you want to know why?" I ask smirking
"Go ahead" he tells me clenching his jaw
"потому что ты сука и трус, который использует маленьких девочек, потому что сам не может этого сделать"
(Because you're a bitch, a coward who uses little girls because he can't do it him self) I tell him receiving another bullet to the leg

"You really are suicidal" he says pressing the gun to my forehead and I see wade in his deadpool suit walking towards us
"Maybe a little bit but right now I'm just stalling"I tell him with a innocent smile as wade tackles him to the ground.

I get up and limp towards the rest of the avengers.
"Are you guys okay" I ask as I start untying them
"Are we okay? You got shot twice!" Steve says
"I'm all good" I say as I pull the rope off of them and stand up straight

"I have no idea where he went" wade speaks up from behind me
"It's okay have you got a knife on you" I ask and he passes me one

"Hey what do you need a knife for and who's this" my mom asks wrapping her arms around me and kissing my head.
"That's wade and I just need one"
I tell her hugging her back and then pulling away
"have you got a lighter" I ask wade
"Yeah here" he says passing it to me

I pull out the knife and heat it up with the lighter before cutting open my arm causing everyone to gasp.
"What the hell are you doing" the team asks
"Got to get the chip" I tell them signalling for wade to come closer

"I'll hold it open you get the chip"
I say to wade
"Cool" he says reaching forward and fishing for the chip in my arm
"Have u got it" I ask
"Yeah here" he says passing it to me
"Hey mom?"I tell her swaying a little bit
"What's wrong baby"
"Catch me" I tell her before I pass out

This is a rlly bad chapter but I had to post something and I didn't want it to be boring

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