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Natasha's Pov:

I could tell there was something she wasn't telling us. I know she was in hydra for a bit and the team don't so maybe it's just that I just can't seem to shake this feeling that she's gonna do something stupid.

When I watched those men take my baby away I felt helpless. They were going to hurt her and there was nothing I could do. They dragged her out of the room and she said she'd be fine but before she left she looked at me.
I don't know if it was just my mind playing tricks or not but it kind of looked like she was begging me to help her.

I don't know exactly what they were going to do to her but she looked terrified. She masked it well from the others but not me.

The whole team were talking and trying to figure out a way out of here but I just fixed my gaze on the door way and waited.


Hours later they dragged her back in. She looked so broken. There was blood everywhere. On her face on her neck but the most obvious place was on her thighs.

"Oh my god" Wanda gasped from the cell beside me.

How could I let this happen.

"Y/n are you okay" Steve try's but gets no answer.

"Y/n baby can you hear me" I ask
Hoping I can get her to look up.

She doesn't move. She's breathing but she just lays on the floor where she was thrown.

I can hear Wanda crying so I sit with my back to the wall separating out cells.

"She'll be okay." I say trying to convince myself just as much as her. "Just let her sleep"

Y/ns pov:

I wake up to somebody calling my name.

"Y/n" I hear

It's Bucky, he's in the cell To my left.

"Eat up you might not get any after this" he says motioning to the tray by my head.

It's not much only slightly mouldy bread and a cup of something that I have no idea what is.

I peak of any bits that look a little mouldy and eat the bread. It's not too bad considering the circumstances.

The door at the end of the corridor swings open and I hear the familiar stomping of my least favourite guard.

"Ah you two are back huh?" He says referring to me and Bucky.

"Fuck off rumlow"
I say clenching my jaw to prevent myself for saying anything that might make my situation worse.

"That's not very nice is it" stepping closer to my cell.
"You know my parents always said I should respect those above m-"
He starts before he's interrupted by a groan from both me and Wade.

"I don't think any of us asked"
Wade says receiving a snort from me.

"You know what dates coming up" he says. If I could walk I'd definitely stand up quickly however I can't do I slowly get myself up.

"December 13th. Do you guys know what happened on that day?" He asked the rest of the team.

"Hey Rumlow why don't you come tell me what happened" I say now gripping the bars harshly.

" ooooo scary" he mocks walking towards my cell. "You k-"
He starts but before he can finish I reach through the bars and slam pull him forward making him slam his head on the cold metal.

"Whoops." I saw monotone bending down to reach through the bars and grab the cell keys from his belt.

"I suppose we could start my plan early" I mumble to myself completely unaware of the group of super hero's shocked glances.


i was procrastinating and this was supposed to be out yesterday so I'm sorry but it's here.

The next part can go one of two ways.

I can give u dramatic injuries and and escape or dramatic injuries and capture. I'm not sure yet.

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